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Learner-Centered Education Course Redesign Initiative Builds upon work of prior LCE grants Will award 10-15 grants of $40,000 - $50,000, with the option.

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Presentation on theme: "Learner-Centered Education Course Redesign Initiative Builds upon work of prior LCE grants Will award 10-15 grants of $40,000 - $50,000, with the option."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learner-Centered Education Course Redesign Initiative Builds upon work of prior LCE grants Will award 10-15 grants of $40,000 - $50,000, with the option of up to $100,000, during FY 2007-2008 Focus: large- enrollment, multi- section courses

2 LCE CRI GOALS Adopt new ways to improve student learning outcomes Demonstrate these improvements through rigorous assessment Reduce institutional costs Free up instructional resources for other purposes Develop the internal capacity of Arizona faculty and staff to continue the redesign process

3 WHERE ARE WE IN THE PROCESS? Jan 2007Call to Participate issued Feb 20-21, 2007Workshop #1: Orientation to Course Redesign (on each campus) Application Guidelines issued Mar 30, 2007 Course Readiness Deadline Apr 25, 2007 Workshop #2: Developing the Proposal May-Jun 2007Course Teams Develop Final Plans Jul 1, 2007Campuses Submit Final Proposals Jul 15, 2007 Grants Awarded Fall 2007Campus Planning and Development Spring 2008Campus Course Redesign Pilots Jun 2008 Interim Campus Reports due Jun 2008Workshop #3: Mid-Course Sharing Summer 2008Campus Revisions Fall 2008Course Redesign Full Implementations March 2009Final Campus Reports due April 2009Workshop #4: Disseminating Results

4 WHAT DOES NCAT MEAN BY COURSE REDESIGN? Course redesign is the process of redesigning whole courses (rather than individual classes or sections) to achieve better learning outcomes at a lower cost by taking advantage of the capabilities of information technology.

5 PROGRAM IN COURSE REDESIGN 25 of 30 PCR projects improved learning; the other 5 showed equal learning. 24 measured course completion rates; 18 showed improvement. All 30 reduced costs by 37% on average, with a range of 15% to 77%.

6 ROADMAP TO REDESIGN 10 of 12 R2R projects improved learning; the other 3 showed equal learning. 9 of 12 improved course completion rates. All 12 reduced costs by 32% on average, with a range of 13% to 68%.

7 NCAT PLANNING RESOURCES Five Models for Course Redesign Five Principles of Successful Course Redesign Five Models for Assessing Student Learning Cost Reduction Strategies Five Critical Implementation Issues Assessment Planning Forms Course Planning Tool Course Savings Summary Course Structure Form Planning Checklist

8 FIVE REDESIGN MODELS Supplemental – Add to the current structure and/or change the content Replacement – Blend face-to- face with online activities Emporium – Move all classes to a lab setting Fully online – Conduct all (most) learning activities online Buffet – Mix and match according to student preferences

9 NCAT PLANNING RESOURCES Five Models for Course Redesign Five Principles of Successful Course Redesign Five Models for Assessing Student Learning Cost Reduction Strategies Five Critical Implementation Issues Assessment Planning Forms Course Planning Tool Course Structure Form Course Savings Summary Planning Checklist

10 FIVE PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COURSE REDESIGN #1: Redesign the whole course #2: Encourage active learning #3: Provide students with individualized assistance #4: Build in ongoing assessment and prompt (automated) feedback #5: Ensure sufficient time on task and monitor student progress

11 NCAT PLANNING RESOURCES Five Models for Course Redesign Five Principles of Successful Course Redesign Five Models for Assessing Student Learning Cost Reduction Strategies Five Critical Implementation Issues Assessment Planning Forms Course Planning Tool Course Structure Form Course Savings Summary Planning Checklist

12 ASSESSMENT GOAL To establish the degree to which improved learning has been achieved as a result of the course redesign.

13 ESTABLISH THE METHOD OF OBTAINING DATA Baseline Before (traditional) and After (redesign) Parallel Sections – Compare traditional sections and redesigned sections

14 CHOOSE THE MEASUREMENT METHOD: FIVE MODELS A. Comparisons of Final Exams B. Comparisons of Common Content Items Selected from Exams C. Comparisons of Pre- and Post- Tests D. Comparisons of Student Work using Common Rubrics E. Comparisons of Course Grades using Common Criteria

15 NCAT PLANNING RESOURCES Five Models for Course Redesign Five Principles of Successful Course Redesign Five Models for Assessing Student Learning Cost Reduction Strategies Five Critical Implementation Issues Assessment Planning Forms Course Planning Tool Course Structure Form Course Savings Summary Planning Checklist

16 WHATS YOUR ENROLLMENT SITUATION? Is your enrollment stable or declining? Is your enrollment growing or projected to grow?

17 NCAT PLANNING RESOURCES Five Models for Course Redesign Five Principles of Successful Course Redesign Five Models for Assessing Student Learning Cost Reduction Strategies Five Critical Implementation Issues Assessment Planning Forms Course Planning Tool Course Structure Form Course Savings Summary Planning Checklist

18 COURSE PLANNING TOOL A decision-making tool that enables institutions to compare the before activities and costs (the traditional course) and the after activities and costs (the redesigned course)

19 Instructional Costs per Hour

20 Traditional Course Preparation

21 Traditional Course Delivery

22 NCAT PLANNING RESOURCES Five Models for Course Redesign Five Principles of Successful Course Redesign Five Models for Assessing Student Learning Cost Reduction Strategies Five Critical Implementation Issues Assessment Planning Forms Course Planning Tool Course Structure Form Course Savings Summary Planning Checklist

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