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Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship Business Minds Africa is a consortium of 11 knowledge and educational institutes and aims to: Deliver competent,

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Presentation on theme: "Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship Business Minds Africa is a consortium of 11 knowledge and educational institutes and aims to: Deliver competent,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship Business Minds Africa is a consortium of 11 knowledge and educational institutes and aims to: Deliver competent, confident agri-business professionals wanted in the East African job market

2 Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship ! Needs assessment Generate knowledge from practice Relevant high quality training materials Competency based education Objective: Bridge the gap between the capacity of graduates and the demand of the agricultural business practice ?

3 Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship Generate knowledge from agri-business practice Produce high quality training materials and programs Asses capacity needs from agri- business practice Competence based education of ‘Business Minds’ ‘Business Minds’ improve agricultural business practice International exchange Agri-business knowledge cycle

4 Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship Activities: Asses the need for change in education programs to respond to the needs of the East African job market Document East African derived knowledge on agricultural entrepreneurship through write workshops with practitioners Develop new educational products and programs for competence based learning on Agricultural entrepreneurship Develop the web-environment (resource base) for effective publishing and sharing of resources Publish an on-line series of African Agri-Business development cases

5 Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship Vision East African institutes of higher education will become THE centers of excellence in the field of knowledge for African agri-business Create a critical mass of lecturers who are experts in local knowledge generation and communication Ultimately an improved capacity of agri-business operators in Eastern Africa, resulting in a globally competitive, sustainable and equitable agricultural sector

6 Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship ISAEInstitute of Higher Education in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Ruhengeri, Rwanda ( IIRRInternational Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Regional Center for Africa, Nairobi, Kenya ( JKUATJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya ( KUKenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya ( MUMakarere University, Kampala, Uganda ( MMUMountains of the Moon University, Fort Portal, Uganda ( RUFORUMRegional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture, Kampala, Uganda ( KITRoyal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ( SUASokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania ( KIMKenya Institute of Management, Nairobi, Kenya ( WUR-VHLVan Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen, The Netherlands (

7 Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship Links to APF Kenya: Review and publish cases in on-line series of agri-business cases Document action learning process on-going cases of agri-business development through students Address capacity gaps identified by APF Kenya in graduate and mid-career training programs

8 Professionals for Agricultural Entrepreneurship African Agricultural Business Development Cases An accessible on-line series of peer reviewed case studies Objective Make available local experiences on Agricultural Business Development Target groups African scholars, faculty, entrepreneurs and development practitioners Background material Additional data and materials can be added Criteria Demonstrative value Critical reflection and lessons learned Value for competence based learning Innovative character Recent experience Readability Guide to authors See CALL FOR CASES Example case

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