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Grade 2- Unit 8 Lesson 1 I can define quadrilaterals.

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1 Grade 2- Unit 8 Lesson 1 I can define quadrilaterals. I can draw diagonals in quadrilaterals. I can observe shapes formed by diagonal lines in quadrilaterals. Lesson 2 I can define midpoint. I can explore ways to find the midpoint of a line segment. I can predict the shapes that will be formed by joining midpoints of opposite sides of quadrilaterals. I can join midpoints of opposite sides of quadrilaterals.

2 Grade 2 – Unit 8 cont. Lesson 3 I can draw diagonals and connect midpoints of opposite sides in quadrilaterals. I can observe shapes formed by decomposing quadrilaterals. Grade 2- Unit 9 Lesson 1 I can combine pennies, nickels, and dimes to make 25 cents. I can count by quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies to different totals.

3 Grade 2 – Unit 9 cont. Lesson 2 I can state how many pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, equal one dollar. I can combine quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies to equal one dollar. I can count one dollar and coins. Lesson 3 I can find unknown partners. I can observe similarities between ten partners and hundred partners. I can use different methods to find partners of 100. I can invent different ways to solve 100 – n exercises.

4 Grade 2 – Unit 9 cont. Lesson 4 I can ungroup a ten into ten ones in order to subtract. I can invent ways to solve subtraction story problems. I can decide when to ungroup and when not to ungroup. I can explain subtraction methods for rewriting a top number to show ungrouping. Lesson 5 I can solve 2-digit subtraction problems using the Expanded Method and the Ungroup First Method.

5 Grade 2 – Unit 9 cont. Lesson 6 I can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of two subtraction methods. I can solve subtraction story problems with a preferred method. I can explain a 2-digit subtraction method. Lesson 7 I can apply methods for solving 2-digit subtraction problems with totals of 200. I can explain how to subtract from a total of 200.

6 Grade 2 – Unit 9 cont. Lesson 8 I can subtract a 2-digit number from any 3-digit number under 200. I can decide when to ungroup and rewrite in subtraction. Lesson 9 I can subtract 2-digit numbers from numbers with a zero in the tens or ones place (totals to 200). Lesson 10 I can make change for a dollar in dimes and pennies. I can use exact change.

7 Grade 2 - Unit 9 cont. Lesson 11 I can compare addition and subtraction methods. Lesson 12 I can identify partners in numbers to 200. I can subtract and count on to find unknown partners. I can write eight equations from a math mountain. Lesson 13 I can use a preferred method to solve addition and subtraction problems. I can explain a method of solving 2-digit addition and subtraction problems.

8 Grade 2 – Unit 9 cont. Lesson 14 I can add up to find unknown partners. I can add up to calculate change from two dollars. I can add money amounts and subtract the total from two dollars numerically or by adding up. Lesson 15 I can add up to solve unknown partner story problems.

9 Grade 2 – Unit 9 cont. Lesson 16 I can add up to solve unknown partner story problems. Lesson 17 I can solve a variety of problems using mathematical concepts and skills. I can use the mathematical processes in the context of problem solving, connections, reasoning and proof, communication and representation.

10 Grade 2- Unit 10 Lesson 1 I can identify congruent figures. I can identify similar figures. I can use a sorting rule to group 2-D figures. Lesson 2 I can combine two- dimensional shapes to make new shapes. I can predict the results of combining two-dimensional shapes. I can predict the results of cutting apart two-dimensional shapes.

11 Grade 2 – Unit 10 cont. Lesson 3 I can recognize transformations: slides, flips and turns. I can extend geometric patterns that use transformations. Lesson 4 I can show and analyze patterns. I can create and extend growing and motion patterns. Lesson 5 I can find area by covering and counting non-standard square units. I can calculate area by counting square centimeters. I can estimate the area of figures on centimeter grid paper.

12 Grade 2 – Unit 11 Lesson 1 I can count to 1,000 by hundreds. I can represent 3-digit numbers with boxes, sticks and circles. I can count from a 3-digit number into the next hundred. Lesson 2 I can tell the difference between hundreds, tens, and ones, and place them in the correct order. Lesson 3 I can count by ones and tens over a hundred, from a number more than 100 to a number less than 1,000.

13 Grade 2 – Unit 11 cont. Lesson 4 I can estimate quantities (up to 1,000). I can group objects into tens and hundreds. I can recognize that 10 ones are equal to a ten and that 10 tens are equal to a hundred. Lesson 5 I can represent addition problems to show place value. I can apply knowledge of place value to story problems with groups of ten and a hundred and leftover ones.

14 Grade 2 – Unit 11 cont. Lesson 6 I can make twenty-five cents with combinations of dimes, nickels and pennies. Lesson 7 I can use the dollar sign and decimal point to write dollar amounts. I can buy and sell goods using exact money amounts. Lesson 8 I can buy and sell goods using a five dollar bill, and make change. I can explain how to make change from a five-dollar bill.

15 Grade 2 – Unit 11 cont. Lesson 9
I can group numbers when adding over 100. Lesson 10 I can explain the methods used to solve addition story problems. I can discuss what make good explanations and good questions. I can invent ways to solve addition problems in which both numbers have three digits. Lesson 11 I can organize data in a table. I can use information in a table to solve problems. I can add 3-digit money amounts.

16 Grade 2 – Unit 11 cont. Lesson 12 I can present good explanations of methods used to solve numeric addition exercises. I can practice solving 2- and 3-digit addition exercises. Lesson 13 I can use the Adding up Method to solve unknown partner exercises containing 3-digit numbers. I can use the Adding up Method to make change. Lesson 14 I can create and solve story problems involving 3-digit subtraction.

17 Grade 2 – Unit 11 cont. Lesson 15 I can subtract 3-digit numbers with a zero in the ones or tens place of the top number. I can create story problems involving 3-digit subtraction. Lesson 16 I can subtract 3-digit numbers using ungrouping. I can subtract money amounts. I can solve story problems involving money amounts. Lesson 17 I can subtract from any 3-digit number with or without ungrouping. I can represent subtraction of any 3-digit number.

18 Grade 2 – Unit 11 cont. Lesson 18 I can recognize whether or not ungrouping is necessary to subtract 3-digit numbers. I can practice ungrouping. Lesson 19 I can discriminate between addition and subtraction situations and apply the appropriate operations. I can use addition to check subtraction and subtraction to check addition. Lesson 20 I can solve complex story problems containing 3-digit numbers.

19 Grade 2- Unit 11 cont. Lesson 21 I can discriminate between addition and subtraction situations and apply the appropriate operation. Lesson 22 I can subtract money amounts from $10. I can buy and sell goods. Lesson 23 I can solve a variety of problems using mathematical concepts and skills. I can use the mathematical processes in the context of problem solving, connections, reasoning and proof, communication and representation.

20 Grade 2 - Unit 12 Lesson 1 I can make a meter stick. I can compare metric and monetary systems. I can measure the length and height of objects and people. I can enter data in a table. I can create and answer questions about data. I can define meter, centimeter and decimeter. Lesson 2 I can use abbreviations cm, dm, and m. I can review relationships among centimeters, decimeters, and meters. I can measure with metric units.

21 Grade 2 – Unit 12 cont. Lesson 3 I can convert measures in centimeters to a combination of meters , decimeters, and centimeters. I can solve story problems requiring metric conversion. I can understand the base ten system in metric measurement and numbers. Lesson 4 I can recognize the base ten system in metric and monetary systems. I can solve story problems involving metric and monetary systems.

22 Grade 2 – Unit 12 cont. Lesson 5 I can distinguish between 2- and 3- dimensional shapes. I can measure the length, width, and height of a rectangle prism. I can identify faces, edges, and vertices of a rectangle prism. I can count cubic units to find volume. Lesson 6 I can identify and name 3-dimensional shapes. I can determine if a solid stacks, rolls, and/or slides. I can compare 3-dimensional shapes. I can sort 3-dimensional shapes using a Venn diagram.

23 Grade 2- Unit 13 Lesson 1 I can recognize that multiplication is counting by a number. I can relate repeated addition and multiplication. I can solve multiplication problems. I can count by 2’s. Lesson 2 I can count by 3’s. Lesson 3 I can count by 4’s.

24 Grade 2 – Unit 13 Lesson 4 I can recognize that multiplication is counting by a number. I can count by 5’s. I can use the array model for multiplication. Lesson 5 I can use count bys and arrays to solve multiplication problems. Lesson 6 I can use the comparative terms half, double, twice, and equal shares appropriately. I can read information in a graph.

25 Grade 2 – Unit 13 cont. Lesson 7 I can understand the meaning of division of equal shares and as repeated subtraction. I can use models to solve simple division problems. Lesson 8 I can find lines of symmetry. I can recognize and draw symmetrical shapes. I can find symmetry in everyday objects. Lesson 9 I can identify and represent one half, one third, one fourth, two thirds, and three fourths in geometrical shapes. I can understand what numerator and denominator signify.

26 Grade 2 – Unit 13 cont. Lesson 10 I can compare fractions using fraction strips. I can write money amounts in fractions. Lesson 11 I can describe events as impossible, possible or certain. I can discuss whether a game is fair or unfair. I can predict the results of a probability experiment and then do the experiment to check the prediction.

27 Grade 2 – Unit 13 cont. Lesson 12 I can identify all possible outcomes for a probability experiment and decide which is most likely and least likely to happen. Then do the experiment to check the predictions. I can use numbers to describe the probability of an event. I can find all the possible combinations for a given situation. Lesson 13 I can solve a variety of problems using mathematical concepts and skills. I can use mathematical processes in the context of problem solving, connections, reasoning and proof, communication, and representation.

28 Grade 2- Unit 14 Lesson 1 I can explore non-standard units. Lesson 2 I can estimate and measure in inches. I can measure in feet and yards. I can select the best customary unit to measure a specific length. I can convert between inches, feet and yards. Lesson 3 I can select proper measurement tools to be used for a given situation. I can estimate and measure with cups, pints, quarts, and gallons. I can estimate ounces and pounds.

29 Grade 2 Extension Unit Lesson 1 I can compare sets of unlike coins
I can order sets of unlike coins I can compare the value of 2 sets of mixed currency Lesson 2 I can skip count forward and backward I can analyze numeric patterns I can use a calculator for counting patterns

30 Grade 2 Extension Unit cont.
Lesson 3 I can recognize and describe changes over time I can describe qualitative and quantitative changes Lesson 4 I can combine 3-dimensional shapes to make new shapes I can predict the results of combining 3-dimensional shapes I can predict the results of taking apart 3-dimensional shapes

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