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By: Jennifer Schaffer LNAPL (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids) Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jennifer Schaffer LNAPL (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids) Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jennifer Schaffer

2 LNAPL (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids) Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey


4 3-D Image of LNAPL Plume



7 Leaks & Spills: 1992-2002 Sampling of Incidents at Shell Group Companies & Joint Ventures* Derived from:

8 Prevalence of Gasoline Spills 8 sites on the NPL According to National Response Center, have been 7,957 gasoline spills on land since 1990. Gas spills were primarily unreported until recent history. – There were no formal reporting requirements prior to 1970. – From 1970-1980, only spills that reached navigable waters had to be reported

9 U.S. v. Apex Oil Co., Inc., 579 F.3d 734 (7th Cir. 2009)







16 Sugar Creek, Missouri

17 Methods Used for Cleanup  Biofiltration  Scrubbers  Carbon Absorbtion  Bioremediation - microbials  Free product recovery – Skimming systems  Free product recovery – water table depression  Vapor Extraction  Dual Phase Recovery  Pumps

18 Bioremediation

19 Scrubbers

20 Carbon Absorption

21 Skimming

22 Water Table Depression

23 Vapor Extraction

24 Dual Phase Recovery

25 Pumping

26 Circulation pump

27 Solar powered pump

28 Enhanced Methods Steam Surfactants Phased soil heating Chemical oxidation Hot and cold water floods

29 Steam This process requires large facilities and operations as well as significant time and money.

30 Surfactants Wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid, allowing easier spreading, and lower the interfacial tension between the two liquids. These are already used in green cleaning products.

31 Phased Soil Heating

32 Chemical Oxidation

33 Ways this Gasoline Could be Used Marine Uses Aviation Fuel South America, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East – automotive Racing cars Farm equipment Industrial uses Energy Production

34 Patent, 1935 issued to F.E. Neff, Jr.

35 Patent for using ammonium phosphate to clean lead from gasoline/oil products


37 Carbon Scrubbers

38 So, why are more companies not recycling/reusing the gas? Cost – is it worth the costs? – How do the costs compare? – Are there “hidden costs” to recovery? – Diminishing Returns from recovery Potentially liability – Ramifications of claiming the gasoline – Property dispute issues

39 Hydraulic Recovery of the Oil Poses Difficulty – Residual saturation trapped by capillary forces – Heterogeneity of the soil – Conductivity of the LNAPL phase

40 What could be done to encourage recycling? – Legislation which encourages and or compels recovery – Legislation which removes liability issues – Legislation which resolves property ownership issues Should it be done? – Would we be trading one pollution for another? – Should there be limits or regulations on how recovered gasoline can be used/sold?

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