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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia Some Thoughts on the Technical Requirements for a HTSG John Terry, NRC.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia Some Thoughts on the Technical Requirements for a HTSG John Terry, NRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia Some Thoughts on the Technical Requirements for a HTSG John Terry, NRC

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia 4. Technical Feasibility Potential Approaches to Study: 1.Modulation and Coding Enhancements 2.Spatial Diversity Techniques 3.Spatial Multiplexing 4. Double bandwidth solutions with underlying 11a waveforms –Example: Proxim Harmony 802.11a with 2x mode

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia Modulation and Coding Techniques Turbo Coding Multidimensional Constellations Gallager Codes (Low Density Parity Check Codes) Trellis Coded or Block Coded Modulation Attractiveness: Improved Coding Gains and increased Euclidean distances Issues: Limited number of members with expertise in field Complexity of some techniques might be prohibitive

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia Spatial Diversity Trellis Space-Time Codes Block Space-Time Codes concatenated with an inner code Beamforming Techniques Receiver Diversity Attractiveness: Issues:

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia Spatial Multiplexing MIMO Watering-Fill Techniques for Wireless Application (Adaptive Modulation) Attractiveness: Issues:

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia Bandwidth Expansion Attractiveness –Products exists –Simple and easy to understand Issues: –Performance –System Capacity does not necessarily increase –Problem with mixed mode (.11a+ HRa) operations

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/ 146r0-G Submission 8-Feb-14 John Terry, PhD, Nokia Conclusions

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