Sg-whitespace-09/0002r0 Submission January 2009 Steve Shellhammer, QualcommSlide 1 Possible TV White Space Coexistence Tasks Date: 2009-01-06 Authors:

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1 sg-whitespace-09/0002r0 Submission January 2009 Steve Shellhammer, QualcommSlide 1 Possible TV White Space Coexistence Tasks Date: 2009-01-06 Authors:

2 sg-whitespace-09/0002r0 Submission January 2009 Steve Shellhammer, QualcommSlide 2 Abstract This presentation describes possible TV white space coexistence tasks Some of these tasks could be addressed by the IEEE 802 executive committee study group while other larger tasks, could be recommended by the SG to be subsequently addressed by other groups

3 sg-whitespace-09/0002r0 Submission January 2009 Steve Shellhammer, QualcommSlide 3 Possible Tasks for EC SG Define a set of coexistence scenarios consisting of multiple networks designed according to different standards Define a set of coexistence metrics used to evaluate the coexistence of multiple networks Compile of list of possible coexistence mechanisms that could subsequently be pursued further

4 sg-whitespace-09/0002r0 Submission January 2009 Steve Shellhammer, QualcommSlide 4 Possible Tasks beyond EC SG Develop a standard for coexistence mechanisms between multiple networks operating in the TV white space

5 sg-whitespace-09/0002r0 Submission January 2009 Steve Shellhammer, QualcommSlide 5 Straw Polls Should the SG develop coexistence scenarios? Should the SG develop coexistence metrics? Should the SG compile a list of possible coexistence mechanisms? Should the SG recommend the formation of a new SG to write a PAR and 5C for coexistence mechanisms in the TV white space?

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