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Overview of the IEEE Process IEEE P1620 Working Group Meeting 18 September 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the IEEE Process IEEE P1620 Working Group Meeting 18 September 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the IEEE Process IEEE P1620 Working Group Meeting 18 September 2002

2 Overview of Process l Project Approval l Develop Draft Standards l Ballot Draft l IEEE-SA Standards Board Approval l Publish Standard l Resources

3 Overview of Process contd

4 Introduction l Staff Liaison l Answers questions about procedures l Along with chair, ensures that procedures are followed l Keeps you informed l New products l New services l Policy changes l Brings your ideas and concerns to the Standards Board and its committees

5 Project Approval Process

6 Project Authorization Request (PAR) Submission Staff Contact: NesCom Secretary - Jodi Haasz +1 (732) 562-6367 l The PAR is a legal document l The PAR is the authorization of work by the IEEE-SA Standards Board l IEEE extends the umbrella of indemnification to people working on an authorized standards project, if they follow the rules

7 Tips on Completing Your PAR l Spell out all acronyms l Be clear and succinct in your scope and purpose l Copyright agreement l Be aware of coordination l Check appropriate category for document

8 Development of the Draft Standard

9 Tips for Draft Development l Develop an outline l Assign writing among working group members l Technical editor gathers inputs and ensures technical consistency l Avoid writing document in meetings l Working with an IEEE Project Editor speeds the project l Refer to IEEE Standards Style Manual for document structure

10 Sponsor Balloting

11 Sponsor Ballot Service l Staff Contact: Manager – Chris Santos, Balloting Center +1 (732) 562-5540 l IEEE Standards Department provides a sponsor ballot service l Sponsor balloting may be delegated to a subgroup

12 Sponsor Forms a Balloting Group l May issue invitation to ballot l Specifies responsibilities of balloters l Requests classifications (P, U, G) l Sponsor approves balance l No one interest category can be 50% or more l Avoid tricks (subdividing a category) l Once balloting begins, the balloting group remains static l IEEE-SA membership or payment of a fee is required l Exception: invited experts (with the approval of Standards Board)

13 Response and Results of Balloting l Response l Need 75% return l Ballot fails with less than 75% return l Results l Need 75% approval l Attempt to resolve negative ballots l No mandate to resolve all ballots l After consensus (75% approval) is reached, establish 60- or 90-day deadline for resolution of comments l Recirculate revised draft and comments l Prepare report for RevCom l Show evidence of attempts to resolve each negative ballot l Show evidence and results of recirculation

14 Approval of the Draft Standard

15 How to Complete a Successful RevCom Submission CONTACT: RevCom Secretary – Dave Ringle, +1 (732) 562-3806 l Review Committee (RevCom) recommends action to the Standards Board l Submittal must match information on PAR l When is a revised PAR necessary? l Any substantive change, i.e., scope, title, patented material, or change of working group chair l Proof of mandatory coordination l SCC10, SCC14 and Editorial

16 Post-Approval and Publication

17 l IEEE Project Editor l Does final copy edit of text l Ensures that technical integrity of document is maintained l Formats electronic text into proofs l Committee review l Correction l Publication l Complimentary copies and awards

18 Resources l IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws l IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual l IEEE Standards Companion l IEEE Standards Style Manual l Working Guide for Submittal of PAR and PAR Form l Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards and Submittal Form l IEEE Standards Bearer l IEEE Standards Catalog l IEEE Process at a Glance

19 For more information on Overview of Process Contact Noelle Humenick +1 (732) 562 3818

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