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Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association © Copyright 2004 Mosaik Strategies, LLC.

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1 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association © Copyright 2004 Mosaik Strategies, LLC.

2 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Key Points Diversify or Die! Your institution’s economic health depends upon it Our country’s economic health depends upon it Partner with Stakeholders Steps to Engage Partners

3 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Diversify or Die!

4 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association U.S. Population Ages 15-29 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2001.

5 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Total Population by Race Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2001.

6 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association College Enrollment Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2002.

7 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Photo Illustration by Jay Montgomery for DiversityInc Magazine, August/September 2004

8 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Photo Illustration by Jay Montgomery for DiversityInc Magazine, August/September 2004

9 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Minority Enrollment Minorities are continuing to enroll in colleges/universities at an increasing rate

10 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association QUESTION: Where are they going to enroll?

11 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Unmet Minority Needs Inability to tap significant purchasing power Untrained workforce Half of US citizens will not be equipped to fully contribute

12 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Result Market will establish ways to meet its own needs Those institutions that meet the needs will survive Those institutions that evolve with the needs will thrive

13 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Increased Diversity Different Challenges Assimilation Issues Social/Religious Differences Language Barriers Poverty Low Preparedness

14 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Addressing Challenges Create processes to accommodate more diversity Create programs to encourage and ensure success Increase marketing to minority groups

15 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Marketing to Minorities Research and Understand Local Composition Segmentation is Critical Prioritization Research and Understand Needs of Target Market(s) Communication is Key

16 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Understand Your Target Know how to reach your target

17 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Increase Minorities Increase Interest The other stakeholders: BUSINESSES

18 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association The Business Case Education Recruiting Efforts Diversity

19 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Steps to Engage Businesses Identify Benefactors Identify Companies Targeting Your Graduates Understand the WIIFM Factor

20 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Identify a Champion Identify a Contact Make the Connection Follow Up Steps to Engage Businesses

21 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association Backup

22 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education : American Marketing Association 2002 Purchasing Power (in billions) Hispanic = $630* Asian American = $296.4 African American = $645.9 Native American = $40.8 Sources: *Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility, Statistics, Hispanic Demographics, 2002. Wow! Facts, Diversity Best Practices, 2003.

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