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ACTS 27-28 WITNESSING IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES God’s Witnesses to the World (Growing, Glowing, Going )

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1 ACTS 27-28 WITNESSING IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES God’s Witnesses to the World (Growing, Glowing, Going )

2 Introduction Luke wants us to see Paul in still another set of difficult circumstances. Luke wants us to see Paul in still another set of difficult circumstances. He wants to reveal the power of the Holy Spirit, the risen Christ, to give calmness in the calamities of life, on land or sea. He wants to reveal the power of the Holy Spirit, the risen Christ, to give calmness in the calamities of life, on land or sea. We witness Paul, a passenger become the commanding captain of a ship – all because the pilot of his life was the Lord of all creation. We witness Paul, a passenger become the commanding captain of a ship – all because the pilot of his life was the Lord of all creation.

3 I. Witnessing in the Storm (27:1-28:16) Friends for the voyage (27:1-8) Friends for the voyage (27:1-8) 1. Luke 2. Aristarchus (2) 3. Julius (1, 3) 4. Sidonian Christians (3) 5. Paul was not left alone without encouraging and strengthening friends at any point in his ministry. 6. John 15:15

4 Care in spite of carelessness (27:9-12) Care in spite of carelessness (27:9-12) 1. Paul warned against proceeding with the journey because of the treacherous sailing conditions but no one believed him. 2. Paul did not make rash decisions on the basis of the expectation of the Lord’s protection. 3. Many of our difficulties occur when we make foolish decisions and expect the Lord to get us out of our self- made problems. 4. Sometimes we find ourselves in difficulties caused by the wrong choices of others.

5 Trust in the tempest (27:13-26) Trust in the tempest (27:13-26) 1. Initial “smooth sailing” gave the sailors false confidence. 2. Terror and loss of hope are the common reactions when people are confronting storms. 3. Paul relayed the good news to the people calmly and confidently. 4. His trust was in the resurrected Lord. 5. He pointed away from himself to the source of his discernment and bright promise.

6 Anchors for the night (27:27-38) Anchors for the night (27:27-38) 1. Faith 2. Surrender 3. Hope 4. Thanksgiving

7 Ministry of healing (27:39-28:10) Ministry of healing (27:39-28:10) 1. The Lord uses everything for His glory and our effectiveness. 2. The Lord was continuing His ministry through Paul – serving, revealing authority over a viper, healing, and caring profoundly for people.

8 A brother’s welcome (28:11-16) A brother’s welcome (28:11-16) 1. The Lord cared for His apostle through the new family of brothers and sisters who were committed to Christ and to each other. 2. People are more important than plans or scheduled programs. 3. Seeing the brethren induces us to thank God and be encouraged.

9 II. Witnessing While Under House Arrest (28:17-31) The three “D’s” of dullness (28:17-29) The three “D’s” of dullness (28:17-29) 1. Disbelief (24) 2. Departure (25, 29) 3. Dispute (29)

10 The dynamics of great preaching (28:30-31) The dynamics of great preaching (28:30-31) 1. Message (31) 2. Method (31) 3. Magnanimity (30)

11 Conclusion We are “witnesses unto Jesus.” (Acts 1:8) We are “witnesses unto Jesus.” (Acts 1:8) We are to preach and teach with boldness, in spite of obstacles. (Acts 8:31) We are to preach and teach with boldness, in spite of obstacles. (Acts 8:31)

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