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Animalia Plantae Protista Fungi Monera

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1 Animalia Plantae Protista Fungi Monera
FIVE KINGDOMS OF LIFE Animalia Plantae Protista Fungi Monera

2 Animalia Common Name: Animals Type of Cells: Eukaryotic
Type of Organism: multi-cellular Levels of Organization: Most have organ systems Cell – Tissue – Organ – System Get Food By: All animals eat food & digest the food

3 Animalia Examples are: Humans Birds Fish Worms

4 Plantae Common Name: Plants
Type of Cells: Eukaryotic (with cell walls) Type of Organism: Multi-cellular Levels of Organization: To organ level Cell – Tissues – Organ Gets Food By: Most make their own food (photosynthesis)

5 Plantae Examples are: Elodea Trees Potato

6 Protista Common Name: Protist Type of Cells: Eukaryotic
Type of Organism: Most are single-celled Complex cells = many organelles Levels of Organization: Complex Cells, If Multicellular: Tissues Get Food By: Some take food from environment and some make their own food (photosynthesis)

7 Protista Examples are: Paramecium Algae Pond scum

8 Fungi Common Name: Fungus Type of Cells: Eukaryotic
(with cell walls but no chloroplasts) Type of Organism: Can be Single-Celled or Multicellular Levels of Organization: Varies from single-celled to organs Gets Food BY: Must absorb food from surrounding (decomposers)

9 Fungi Examples are: Yeast Mold Mildew Mushrooms Athlete’s foot

10 Monera Common Name: Bacteria Type of Cells: Prokaryotic
Type of Organism: Single-celled Level or Organization: VERY simple Cells Get Food By: Make their own food or absorb it from the environment Interesting Facts: Many are helpful (digestion,nitrogen cycle) Some live without oxygen

11 Examples are: Monera E. coli Streptococcus
Microbe – disease causing bacteria

Animalia Plantae Protista Fungi Monera

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