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TABPHE “Bringing Educators and Community Together to Effect Change” How to Start a TABPHE Local Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "TABPHE “Bringing Educators and Community Together to Effect Change” How to Start a TABPHE Local Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 TABPHE “Bringing Educators and Community Together to Effect Change” How to Start a TABPHE Local Chapter

2 HOW TO START A LOCAL CHAPTER This session will open a new world of opportunity to you; so that you can enlarge your educational influence from your first experience of TABPHE (Texas Association Black Personal Higher Education) or you see the opportunity to expand the organization. As an educator you will learn how to start a local chapter and bring educators and community together to effect change! Presenters: Charles R Leslie Jr: Grayson College LaKisha Wooden: El Centro College, DCCCD

3 THE OUTCOME What you will learn from this, How to Start a Local Chapter As an Educator you can make a difference on your campus and in your community How to stay connected to TABPHE as an resource for you How to get your college campus and community connected together to effect change To be excited to join and or start a new local chapter

4 OUR MISSION The Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) is a statewide, voluntary, educational association that represents all levels of higher education and serves as a voice for Black faculty, staff, students and administrators in order to ensure a better educational system for all. TABPHE provides an avenue for professional development opportunities that enrich higher education personnel and improve the quality of their professional growth.

5 OUR OBJECTIVES To act as an advocate of ethnic minorities in the educational process. To evaluate, promote and support programs pertinent to ethnic minorities in colleges, universities and communities. To encourage and promote collaboration among ethnic minorities in the educational process. To assist colleges and universities in the recruitment, placement, and retention of students, faculty, staff and administrators, and to assist in other efforts relative to achieving the educational objectives of the institutions. To stimulate interest in and raise awareness of current issues relevant to ethnic minorities in higher education. To provide a vehicle for disseminating the viewpoint of ethnic minorities regarding the education of African Americans, equal opportunity and affirmative action. To assist in and be supportive of strengthening ethnic minority programs at the secondary school level.

6 CHAPTER FORMATION GUIDELINES Starting a Local Chapter Steps : Identify ten (10) current, dues paying TABPHE State members. Contact TABPHE Executive Director Rod Fluker Elect your Officers Fill out Local Chapter bylaws Form Fill out Local Chapter Formation Form Submit local chapter formation form, chapter bylaws form, list of elected officers, and members. Treasurer- 401 Congress Ave – Suite 1540 Austin, Texas 78701

7 AS PRESIDENT OF YOUR CHAPTER Your role as president as you lead your local chapter : Communication to your chapter: Facebook, greeting letters, email, and newsletter. Leadership Development: Find ways to offer leadership opportunities and encourage your members to attend the state level conference; present at the conference or even volunteer. Meetings: Hold meeting once a month by a group Skype, video access. Have a speaker come to address subjects that help your members and may draw a bigger attendance.

8 AS PRESIDENT OF YOUR CHAPTER Social Events: They bring us together and give us opportunity to network. It helps to create professional relationships with other organization and another local chapter. Town Hall Meeting: Bring Educators and Community Together to Effect Change. And challenge the audience to be the solution to the problems. They are held twice a year. Reports: Due once a month on the president conference call. If you can’t be on the call, email them to the secretary.

9 CHAPTER EXPECTATIONS TABPHE Local Chapters are expected to : Operate in line with the State Organization Bylaws Use the State Constitution Bylaw Form for local chapter Bylaws Maintain a chapter membership of 10 members who are current state members Keep TABPHE Vice President of Programs informed about chapter activities, events, news items, and any changes in officers. Submit a monthly report to TABPHE Vice President of Programs Submit a list of all members of the local chapter to TABPHE Vice President of Membership Members of local chapter attend the Annual TABPHE State conference Host (2) Town Hall Meeting – Fall & Spring Local chapter presidents attend and participate in state Board meetings and Board Retreat

10 CHAPTER RESPONSIBILITIES We want to know what your chapter is doing! Many are doing get things. Share with us and the community. The more publicity your local chapter and activities receive, the more likely you are to get support and increase your membership. Submit an article for Chapter News in our newsletter, TABPHE Tribune Conduct your chapter meeting using parliamentary procedure. Roberts Rules of Order. Submit all events and activities to TABPHE Vice President of Program and he/she will forward to TABPHE Vice President of Public Relations. Submit a copy Local chapter members applications to TABPHE Vice President of Membership.

11 CHAPTER TOWN HALL MEETING The Purpose of TABPHE Town Hall Meetings is to : “Bring Educators and Community Together to Effect Change”. They give us a chance to bring to the table state and local issues that affect students gaining access to Higher Ed. And challenge the audience to be the solution to the problems; helping with resources of human capital. Together we come along side students to assist in achieving their educational goals.

12 STRUCTURE OF THE MEETING TABPHE Town Halls are bi-annual events hosted in October and February by every local chapter, concerning two pre-determined critical issues. The significance of each Town Hall is that the same critical issue is addressed at the same time, across the entire state at every local chapter. In the traditional “town hall” style, the entire community would be invited, and at least half of the program would involve the audience as program participants, with a host facilitating this interactive process. The audience would ask general questions, and make comments on the topic either as individuals or as representatives of an organization/group. Encourage audience participation, but not just list problems, for the Town Hall is a solution-driven event. As Chapter President be aware as the audience brings up problems, don’t’ stop there. “We all can make a list of problems, but challenge the people to Be the Solution ”.

13 STRUCTURE OF THE MEETING As Chapter President you have the freedom as a local chapter to determine if the program would be organized as a panel discussion, or use a keynote speaker, or show film/news clips for critique, or any other structure according to the chapter's own local style and liking. The typical TABPHE Town Hall would last 1-2 hours, and may include refreshments. As Chapter President challenge the audience ( College students, Faculty, Staff, or Guess), to give back to their surrounding community i.e. mentor, read to a student, start and afterschool program in a school, church, community center, on their campus or someone home. As Chapter President challenge the audience to use their influence, strengths-whither in math, writing, science, reading, or business professionals.

14 STRUCTURE OF THE MEETING As Chapter President let your school administrators, staff and students know that TABPHE is a resource for them and ask for their support and membership. As Chapter President encourage the audience to join TABPHE as a General Member, Life Time Member or for Institutional Membership. Have on hand what each offers and tell them the information can be electronically sent. As Chapter President you should assign someone to make sure you get everyone contact information. As Chapter President it is most important that a summary of each Town Hall is reported to the TABPHE V.P. Programming, in an effort to capture and act upon creative solutions resulting from the program.

15 TABPHE STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Joseph Hebert President Elect Tanisha Shorter Secretary Susie Viars Treasurer LaKisha Wooden VP Membership Ralph Penn VP Program Charles Leslie, Jr VP Public Relations Evon English Parliamentarian Winfred Barnes, Jr Historian Dr. Eilleen B. Scanks Immediate Past President Dr. Cherry Ross Gooden Executive Director & Past President Dr. Rod Fluker

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