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Spring Valley Homeowners Association 2014 Annual Membership Meeting WELCOME Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Valley Homeowners Association 2014 Annual Membership Meeting WELCOME Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Valley Homeowners Association 2014 Annual Membership Meeting WELCOME Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

2  Call to Order  Approval of Previous Minutes  Introduction 2013 & 2014 Boards  Reports  President’s Report  Architecture Committee  Covenants Committee  Website  Irrigation  Financials / Budget  2014 Budget  Member/Neighbor Input  New Business  Matchett Park  Door Prizes  Adjournment AGENDA Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

3  Joel Robinson, President  Judy Hawkins, Vice-President & Covenants  Connie Doležal, Secretary  Sharon Wilkinson, Treasurer  Michael Tucker, Architectural Chair  Christine Sartoris, Website 2013 OFFICERS & DIRECTORS Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting


5 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS  Joel Robinson, President  Wayne Campbell, Vice-President  Mike McDowell, Treasurer  Sharon Wilkinson, Secretary & Covenants Chair  Christine Sartoris, Web Site & Architectural Chair

6 Reports PRESIDENT’S REPORT Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

7  Volunteers  Irrigation System Improvements  Web Site Overhaul & eNewsletter  Collections  Quorum Door Prizes OVERVIEW 2013 Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

8 Committee Reports ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

9  Approved 37 Total Requests  13 Painting  8 Fence Replacements  2 Storage Sheds  6 Re-roof  4 Stucco  3 Repaint & Roofing  1 Room Addition  Complaints  3 regarding colors  1 regarding fence ARCHITECTURAL CHANGES 2013 Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

10  Submit all three (3) copies of the Architectural Change Request, available on Web site  Submit a manufacturer’s paint chip for each color for each copy of the request  Submit a manufacturer’s paint chip (if different) for siding, trim, garage doors, etc.  Chart of Approved Colors is available ARCHITECTURAL REMINDERS Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

11 Committee Reports COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

12  Parking Violations  Cars on grass  RVs, boats, ATVs not behind fences  Overgrown Lawns  Garbage cans in front of house Sharon Wilkinson, 2014 Covenants chair —contact for enforcement issues MOST COMMON COMPLAINTS & COMPLIANCE ISSUES Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

13 Report SPRING VALLEY WEBSITE Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

14 SVHOA DOCUMENTS Articles of Incorp Bylaws Covenants Welcome Brochure Annual Mtg Proxy 2012-13 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Annual Mtg minutes February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013 2014 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Annual Mtg Agenda SVHOA POLICIES Dispute Form Adoption Repeal Collections Enforcement Policy Amendment NEWSLETTERS Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 FINANCIALS Annual Budget Most Recent Financials OTHER Architectural Request Change Form

15 Committee Reports IRRIGATION SYSTEM Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting


17 Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting IRRIGATION PUMPS - IMPROVEMENTS

18 Committee Reports TREASURER’S REPORT Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

19 INCOME-2013 Assessment - $200/yearYear to Date2013 BudgetBudget Bal. Income Homeowners Dues 82,913.00 $ 83,800.00 $ 887.00 Fees & Penalties 815.61 50.00 (765.61) Income - Transfer/Status Fees 95.00 - (95.00) Miscellaneous Income 5.00 75.00 70.00 Sub-Total Income 83,828.61 83,925.00 96.39 Interest Income 275.16 400.00 124.84 Total Income $ 84,103.77 $ 84,325.00 $ 221.23 EXPENSESYear to Date2013 BudgetBudget Bal. Annual Meeting Expenses $ 145.00 $ 175.00 $ 30.00 Capital Inprovements 34,789.21 - (34,789.21) Income Tax Expense - - - Insurance Expense 3,395.00 3,000.00 (395.00) Irrigation Manager Expense * 10,225.00 8,000.00 (2,225.00) Maintenance & Repairs Expense 3,492.87 7,500.00 4,007.13 Office Manager/Bookkeeper Expense 9,000.00 - Office Expenses & Supplies 2,311.13 2,500.00 188.87 Power Expense 15,322.39 13,500.00 (1,822.39) Professional Fees 778.75 1,000.00 221.25 Recording Fees 44.00 150.00 106.00 Location Utilities 293.39 250.00 (43.39) Water Expense 5,971.90 6,500.00 528.10 Miscellaneous 5.00 1,000.00 995.00 Total Expenses $ 85,773.64 $ 52,575.00 $ (33,198.64) To Reserves to Balance Budget $ 31,750.00 $ 84,325.00 2013 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

20 OPERATING EXPENSES Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

21 2013 2014 ( actual ) (current dues $200) Income $ 84,103 $ 83,800 Operating Expenses - 50,984 - 57,815 Total Net Income $ 33,119 $ 26,240 2013 End of Year & 2014 BUDGET Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

22 JANUARY 2014 ESTIMATED RESERVES Operating Account: 4,382 Capital Improvement:74,961 Money Market Reserves: 73,917 Estimated Operating and Reserves:$ 153,270 Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

23 MEMBER/NEIGHBOR INPUT Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

24 NEW BUSINESS Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

25  Survey Link – for community input open until Jan 31, 2014 – (available on the city’s website)  MatchettPark_Survey1 MatchettPark_Survey1  Next Community Meeting February 13, 2014 (details to follow)  Visit the City’s website to learn more at  Newsletter  Community meeting #1 power point  FAQs  Spring Valley will also post meeting dates on our website Stay informed Provide Input MATCHETT PARK Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

26 HOA DUES DOOR PRIZE  Proxy Door Prize  Attendee Door Prize Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

27 Adjournment THANK YOU! Spring Valley HOA - 2014 Annual Membership Meeting

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