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Info-Day PC6 Priority no. 3 – ROMNET-ERA January 17, 2005 Project full title: Virtual Intelligent Forging Project acronym: VIF CA Contract no. 507331 Creation.

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Presentation on theme: "Info-Day PC6 Priority no. 3 – ROMNET-ERA January 17, 2005 Project full title: Virtual Intelligent Forging Project acronym: VIF CA Contract no. 507331 Creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Info-Day PC6 Priority no. 3 – ROMNET-ERA January 17, 2005 Project full title: Virtual Intelligent Forging Project acronym: VIF CA Contract no. 507331 Creation of knowledge communities in production technologies, July 2004 - July 2008 Coordinator CEMEF – Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux, France Description- The strategy is to create a forging knowledge community through several scientific, technological, training and educational activities. These activities are designed to : - identify current industrial and societal needs, analyse and use the existing knowledge to solve these problems (WP 1); - define, validate and use reference benchmarks for virtual process simulations and materials testing (WP 2); - create an e-Forging environment (WP 3); - determine the needs for material data and define a blueprint for an e-Database (WP 4); - design a structure for the virtual integration of process simulations from raw materials to product design (WP 5); - promote transversal educational programmes and a roadmap for an e-learning forging platform (WP 6); - organise workshops for gathering the current necessary knowledge and disseminate the results of the project (WP 7); - promote programmes for mobility of researchers, students and industrial staff. (WP 8). - The consortium gathers educational and research organisations, experts in the various scientific areas, and a large number of forging, software and IT industries from 17 European countries. The Deliverables include a Book of forging, projects for an e-Database and an e-learning platform, benchmarks for process simulations and materials testing, and a structure for a virtual supply chain. 49 Partners:CEMEF France, IVF Sweden, S&CC France, DIMEG Italy, CIMNE Spain, IFUM Germany, AGH Poland, Bath Poland, ULG Belgium, CENAERO Belgium, BJC Denmark, DTU Denmark, IPU Denmark, VTT Finland, CROMEP France, TSV France, PSA France, ADH France, CETIM France, LAMCOS France, LAMIH France, LFT Germany, PtU Germany, CPM Germany, DCAG Germany, UM DME Hungary, DTMPIG Italy, ORD Turkey, TBM Italy, FOMAS Italy, TEKFOR Italy, TWENTE Nederland, CEMAL Poland, IFM Poland, IDMEC Portugal, GDTech France, UGAL Romania, UTCN Romania, FTN Serbia, NTF Slovenia, BLAJ Slovenia, C3M Slovenia, METU Turkey, Bournemouth Univ. UK, NPL UK, QUB UK, UBRUN UK, STRATH UK, UoB UK. UGAL participates in WP2 - Existing documents, Reference Data - and WP5 – Teaching Forging Excellence within the following actions: State of the art of the mechanical testing techniques and physical parameters determination techniques, E- metal forming portal with the results of UGAL team, Releasing the teaching materials introduced in ARIADNE network, Master curricula in Virtual Intelligent Metal Forming within continuing education system, Organizing a summer school on Metal Forming Processes subject. University Dunarea de Jos of Galati UGAL - Partner no. 38 Mechanical Engineering Department (Team: Dr. A. Epureanu, Dr. D. Nicoara, Dr. C Maier, Dr. M. Banu, Dr. V. Marinescu, Dr. V. Paunoiu, Dr. O. Ciocan) - Coordinator and contractor of 5 TEMPUS Programmes, 2 R&D Programmes financed by EU (COPERNICUS and PECO), over 30 national research contracts in the field of metal forming. - 3 equipped laboratories for metal forming research and advanced computation of mechanical processes. 1 2 3 Teaching Forging Excellence S I X T H F R A M E W O R K P R O G R A M M E P R I O R I T I E S 2 & 3

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