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Joshua Dault Planner III Santa Rosa County Development Services Santa Rosa County Commercial Permitting.

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Presentation on theme: "Joshua Dault Planner III Santa Rosa County Development Services Santa Rosa County Commercial Permitting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joshua Dault Planner III Santa Rosa County Development Services Santa Rosa County Commercial Permitting

2 Overview  Plug for Development Services Center  Permitting Process & Trends  Common Issues  Handouts Available:  DS Contact Brochure  Change of Occupancy Brochure  County Process Flowchart  DS Newsletter  SRC Services Directory

3 Development Services Center  Development Services Center is hub for permitting processes for residential and commercial development  6051 Old Bagdad Hwy, Suite 201  Hours: M-F 7:00 – 4:30  Satellite office for permitting and intake at South Annex in Midway  5819 Gulf Breeze Pkwy  Hours: M, W, F 9:00 – 2:00  Phone: 850-981-7000

4 Development Services Center  Spatial consolidation in 2009 of Building Inspection Division and Planning & Zoning Division  Created functional groupings of employees: Commercial, Residential, Addressing, Board Support, etc.  Groupings facilitated:  Interdepartmental communication and learning  Increased efficiency in staff and resources  Process consolidation  Project management approach for commercial projects  Less fragmented regulatory framework Goal Achieved:Better Customer Service Goal Achieved: Better Customer Service

5 Development Services Center  Project Management  Assigned staff point of contact  Regular check-ups on project progress from pre-application to occupancy  Proactive = problems identified earlier (or before they happen) Better communication provides a smoother process for the customer and the County Better communication provides a smoother process for the customer and the County

6 Development Services Center  Pre-Application Meetings  Free service to customers  Meet with the review staff and discuss project details  Customers receive up-front info before committing time and money Better informed customer = happy customer!

7 Development Services Center  Website  Website organization mirrors physical organization  Public data available – permit records (GoPermits), compliance records (GoCompliance), development orders issued  Regulations, codes and area plans  Robust mapping system (GoMaps)  Request addresses online, submit complaints online – the list of online tools is constantly growing!

8 Commercial Permitting Trends



11 Commercial Permitting Process  Process Overview:  Investigate, Investigate, Investigate!  Pre-Application Meeting (highly suggested)  Plan Submission, Review & Permitting (cycle)  Construction & Inspections  Occupy!  County commercial permitting usually involves two distinct review and approval processes  Site – Land Development Code & local ordinance  Building – Florida Building Code, Florida Fire Prevention Code & local ordinance  Some overlap  Since DSC creation, we’ve added a project management role for the benefit of our customers

12 Commercial Permitting Process  Development typically falls into three “categories”:  New Construction – vacant site or new building(s)  Change of Use/Occupancy – existing building(s)  Remodel – existing building(s)  Points to consider:  New construction is often more straightforward (starting from scratch)  New construction often involves the customer hiring more design professionals & consultants  Change of Use/Occupancy is typically quicker and can be less costly (depending on specifics)  However, important point is that requirements are very site/building specific – no easy checklist

13 Commercial Permitting Issues Biggest Permitting Issue = Complexity  Santa Rosa County is only one piece in the puzzle!  Projects often involve:  Federal Agencies (USACOE)  State Agencies (FDOT, FDEP, NWFWMD, Health Dept., etc)  Local Agencies (County, City, Utility Providers, Independent Fire Districts)

14 Commercial Permitting Issues Florida DEP NWF Water Management Fire Districts (Navarre & Midway) Florida DOT Gulf Power/ EREC/ Chelco Health Dept Florida Dept of Ag & Consumer Services Florida Hotels & Restaurants City (inside city limits) Army Corps Customer

15 Commercial Permitting Issues  Other Common Issues:  Lease before you learn  Often approval is required but not obtained  Landlord vs. Tenant  Who is responsible for what?  Start-Up and Overall Costs  Permitting cost is typically minor compared to construction cost  Tap (impact) fees  Financing

16 Commercial Permitting Process Q & A Contacts: Website: Development Services Phone: 850-981-7000 Joshua Dault: 850-981-7079 or Leslie Statler: 850-981-7086 or

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