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Research Papers Outlines. Why write an outline? Organizes ideas Puts info in a logical form Defines boundaries Shows relationships with material.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Papers Outlines. Why write an outline? Organizes ideas Puts info in a logical form Defines boundaries Shows relationships with material."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Papers Outlines

2 Why write an outline? Organizes ideas Puts info in a logical form Defines boundaries Shows relationships with material

3 How do I write an outline? Nail down topic and thesis. This will give you direction and purpose. Group related research together. Create headings and subheadings. This will show you what you should include and where your research is weak. Remember to PROVE your CLAIM!

4 Let’s begin! After organizing and analyzing your research, you are ready for the first paragraph. Your intro should include three things: –Attention getter –Background Info –Thesis

5 Body Paragraphs Each heading of your outline in regards to the body should have a new reason why the reader should take your side. Subheads in the body are specific research details that prove the heading. Headings are not as narrow as subheadings.

6 Conclusion - Be sure that your conclusion is not a copy of your introduction. - Restate your thesis and tie your paper together. - THINK: - How can this info be applied? - Why is this important? - What questions have I brought up that I need to answer?

7 TIPS: Headings will be capital letters. A good rule is if you have an A, you need a B. Subheadings will be numbers. A good rule is if you have a 1, you need a 2. If these rules are not met then you do not have enough info on this part of the topic.

8 TIPS: Outlines can be written in complete sentences, phrases, or a combination of both. It is your preference. Facts from research need to be cited within your outline. Include (Author page). Each roman numeral in your outline should be a new paragraph with its own idea. Don’t forget transitions! The outline should be 1-3 pages in length.

9 Common Mistakes Avoid “you” or “I”. –Say “The teacher” or “Doctors” for example. Don’t say “many” or “a lot” in thesis. Avoid contractions. Use A’s and B’s and 1’s and 2’s—check NOTES! Balance research/Use citations. Explain quotes/stats Be sure you have 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, Double space This should be almost like a note form; no full paragraphs... that comes with the rough draft. Don’t write things like, “give example here” or “Salary.” Actually write those things out. Never use one word in an outline.

10 Questions? Good luck!!

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