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PowerPoint Lesson 9 Importing and Exporting Information Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1.

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1 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Importing and Exporting Information Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1

2 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Objectives Reuse slides from another presentation. Copy and paste slides to Word documents. Create slides from a Word outline. Import a table from a Word document. Export slide information to a Word outline. 222

3 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Objectives (continued) Embed worksheet data and link an Excel chart in a slide. Copy data from an Access table. Save a slide as a graphic file. 3

4 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Vocabulary export import integration slide library 444

5 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Reusing Slides from Another Presentation Content can easily be copied from one slide and pasted onto a new slide. Entire slides can also be copied and reused. When copying individual slides from a large presentation, the Reuse Slides command may be used. 5

6 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Reusing Slides from Another Presentation (continued) You can also reuse files from a slide library. – A slide library is a special type of library used to store presentation slides. – To access slides in a slide library, you must have a connection to a server running Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 or Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. 6

7 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Reusing Slides from Another Presentation (continued) 7 Reuse Slides pane

8 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications When you import content, you bring it into one application from another compatible application. When you export content, you send it from one application to another. Sharing information among applications is often referred to as integration. 8

9 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) 9 Integration options

10 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) Copying and Pasting Content between Slides and Word Documents Text, tables, and charts created in Word can be imported into a PowerPoint presentation. Information contained on PowerPoint slides can be exported to a Word document. 10

11 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) Creating Slides from a Word Outline PowerPoint can create slides from an outline created in a Word document. – All the content formatted with heading styles is imported to create titles and bulleted lists at various levels. – If heading styles are not applied in the Word document, an individual slide is created for each paragraph in the document. 11

12 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) 12 Insert Outline dialog box

13 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) Importing a Table from Word To import table data: – Select the data and copy it to the Clipboard. – Choose from several Paste Special options in PowerPoint to paste the copied data. When you copy a table onto a slide, the table content is embedded in the slide. 13

14 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) 14 Paste Special options

15 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) 15 Exporting Slide Information to a Word Outline Slide information can be exported to a Word document by converting the presentation information to an outline in Rich Text Format. – The information appears in a new Word document with outline heading styles. – Exported information includes only the slide text; graphics, tables, or charts are not included.

16 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) Embedding Excel Worksheet Data in a Slide Data from an Excel worksheet can be imported to a slide using the copy and paste, link, and embed options. – When you use the default Paste command, the copied data is inserted on the slide as a table. – To embed or link the data, use the Paste Special command. 16

17 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) Linking an Excel Chart to a Slide You have access to most of the Chart Tools commands to modify the chart effects and elements. The chart maintains a link to the source document. – However, only changes to the chart data in the source document appear in the chart on the slide. 17

18 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) Copying Data from an Access Table You cannot link or embed data from an Access table or form – You can copy the data and paste it into other Office applications. When copied data from an Access table is pasted onto a slide using the default Paste command, the data is formatted in a table. 18

19 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sharing Information among Applications (continued) Saving a Slide as a Graphic File Slides usually include graphics and design elements to draw attention and hold interest. You can save slides as individual graphic files. – You can use the files to insert pictures in other applications. 19

20 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary In this lesson, you learned: You can quickly access and reuse slides that have been created in another presentation. To share information among applications, you can copy and paste the information, link the data, embed the content, or convert the information to a different file format. 20

21 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) When you paste a copied slide into Word or Excel, the copied slide is inserted as a picture. You can easily create slides from outlines already created in a Word document. 21

22 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) When copying and pasting table data from Word into PowerPoint, there are several Paste Special options that enable you to control how the data on the slide can be edited. Content on slides can be exported to a Word document by converting the presentation content to a different file format. 22

23 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) Excel worksheet data and charts can be copied and pasted onto slides with the options to link or embed the data. To embed or link the data, you must use the Paste Special command. 23

24 PowerPoint Lesson 9 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) Access table data can be copied and pasted onto slides, but the data cannot be linked or embedded. Slides can be saved as graphic files and then inserted as pictures in other applications. 24

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