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What type of boundary is represented here?

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Presentation on theme: "What type of boundary is represented here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What type of boundary is represented here?
Transform Boundary

2 What is being represented at point A?

3 What type of tectonic plate boundary sometimes has a subduction zone?
convergent boundary

4 Tectonic plates move on top of what layer of the Earth?

5 What landform is the red line in the picture representing?
San Andreas Fault

6 What is the theory that is represented by the breaking up of these landforms?
Theory of Continental Drift

7 Sea-floor spreading occurs at what type of boundary?
Divergent boundary

8 What did Wegener call his supercontinent in his theory?

9 What type of boundary is…
divergent B? convergent C? transform

10 The landform to the right was formed due to what process?

11 Plate movement causing a(n)
____________ would result in the formation of a tsunami as seen to the right. earthquake

12 This is a continental mountain range
This is a continental mountain range. What type of boundary is this usually associated with? Convergent boundary

13 How are the layers of the Earth detected?
Seismic Waves

14 Earth’s thin outermost layer is called ______.
The crust

15 The landforms to the right were formed by ________________.

16 This is the process of hot material from deep in the Earth rising while cooler material near the surface sinks. Convection

17 What type of mountain forms from the magma that is created by sea-floor spreading?
Volcanic mountains

18 fossils found on continental coasts,
The use of fossils found on continental coasts, the close fit of continental coastlines, and the similarity of rock type on different continents were used as evidence to support what theory? The theory of continental drift

19 Each line marks a change in __________.


21 What type of boundary would cause the formation of a trench?
Convergent boundary

22 When the seafloor spreads, what happens?
The older oceanic crust moves aways from the mid-ocean ridge, and the new crust forms at the mid-ocean ridge.

23 Which of the following types of plate boundaries would result in a rift valley?

24 Seismic waves travel at different speeds and directions in Earth’s interior because
Of the way tectonic plates move. Each layer has different physical properties. Sea-floor spreading causes magnetic reversals. The outer core is liquid.

25 Many scientists believe that convection currents in the asthenosphere between South America and Africa caused the separation of the two continents and the formation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Which diagram best represents the convection currents in the plate tectonic theory? A C B D

26 The diagram shows how the ocean floor is spreading
The diagram shows how the ocean floor is spreading. The new ocean floor made of molten rock is being formed at a mid-ocean ridge. Which best describes where the molten rock comes from? A The crust B Volcanoes under the ocean floor C Masses of land to either side of the ocean D The mantle just beneath Earth’s crust

27 The asthenosphere has the property of plasticity, which allows the solid mantle to move like a liquid. Which of the following explains how the crust moves in different directions? F Radiation G Convection currents H Geothermal J Conduction

28 Which of the following statements is not supported by the plate tectonic theory? A Continents move through the seafloor crust. B Locations of volcanoes and earthquakes can be explained. C Seafloor spreading provides evidence to support the plate tectonic theory. D There are three different types of plate boundaries associated with the direction of plate movement.

29 The lithosphere is Earth’s crust plus the rigid upper part of Earth’s mantle. The map shows plates of the lithosphere. What does the map tell you about the plates? A The plates are all moving in the same direction. B The plates are all the same size. C Plates and continents are different. D Where two plates meet, they always move apart.

30 What land feature is likely to occur between the South American Plate and the African Plate? F Mountain G Trench H Subduction zone J Mid-ocean ridge

31 What type of boundary is located between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate? A Convergent B Divergent C Transform D Emergent

32 Newton’s laws of motion apply to everyday life in a variety of ways
Newton’s laws of motion apply to everyday life in a variety of ways. Which one of the followingstatements does not demonstrate Newton’s laws of motion as they relate to plate tectonics? F Plates resist change as in Newton’s law of inertia. G The greater the force, the greater rate of acceleration as in Newton’s law of acceleration. H Volcanoes form from cooled magma as in Newton’s law of acceleration. J Plates exert a force on each other in opposite directions as in Newton’s law of action-reaction.

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