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$100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500.

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3 $100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500

4 Theory of Continental Drift

5 Layers of the Earth

6 Boundaries

7 Plate Tectonics

8 Pot Luck

9 Theory of Continental Drift Layers of the Earth Boundaries Plate Tectonics Pot Luck $100 $300 $200 $400 $500

10 Theory of Continental Drift - $100 The scientist who developed the theory is this person.

11 Theory of Continental Drift - $200 This is the supercontinent.

12 Theory of Continental Drift - $300 Landforms, climates, and this evidence support the continental drift theory.

13 Theory of Continental Drift - $400 What force is believed to have moved the plates.

14 Theory of Continental Drift - $500 Give one example of evidence from climate.

15 Layers of the Earth - $100 This is the layer that has the most pressure.

16 Layers of the Earth - $200 This layer is mostly made up of large rocks of basalt and granite.

17 Layers of the Earth - $300 As depth beneath Earth’s surface increases, both temperature and pressure do this.

18 Layers of the Earth - $400 Convection currents are in this part of the mantle.

19 Layers of the Earth - $500 The layer that is made out of hot, solid rocks is called this.

20 Boundaries - $100 This boundary occurs along the mid-ocean ridge.

21 Boundaries - $200 The crust near the mid-ocean ridge is this when compared to the older crust that is far away from the ridge.

22 Boundaries - $300 This landform develops when two convergent boundaries of continental crust collide.

23 Boundaries - $400 The place where two plates slip pass each other.

24 Boundaries - $500 The place where two plates of continental crust diverge forms this landform?

25 Plate Tectonics - $100 When oceanic crust collides with oceanic crust the older crust is subducted because of this.

26 Plate Tectonics - $200 This is how many major plates is Earth divided into. This is how many major plates is Earth divided into.

27 Plate Tectonics - $300 This ocean is shrinking because it has many long subduction zones.

28 Plate Tectonics - $400 This is the name of at least 3 major plates.

29 Plate Tectonics - $500 Explain the relationship between plate boundaries and the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes.

30 Pot Luck - $100 This is the process where older ocean crust pushes under and melts into magma.

31 Pot Luck - $200 The technology that mapped the ocean floor.

32 Pot Luck - $300 The ship that took rock samples from the ocean floor.

33 Pot Luck - $400 This part of the Earth is made up of the crust and part of the mantle.

34 Pot Luck - $500 This is the geologic event that occurs at transform boundaries.

35 CATEGORY 1 - $100 Who is Alfred Wegener?

36 CATEGORY 1 - $200 What is Pangaea?

37 CATEGORY 1 - $300 What are fossils?

38 CATEGORY 1 - $400 What are convection currents?

39 CATEGORY 1 - $500 What is the island of Spitsbergen has tropical fossils? Or South Africa has evidence of glaciers?

40 CATEGORY 2 - $100 What is the inner core?

41 CATEGORY 2 - $200 What is the crust?

42 CATEGORY 2 - $300 What is increase?

43 CATEGORY 2 - $400 What is the asthenosphere?

44 CATEGORY 2 - $500 What is the mantle?

45 CATEGORY 3 - $100 What is divergent?

46 CATEGORY 3 - $200 What is younger?

47 CATEGORY 3 - $300 What are mountains?

48 CATEGORY 3 - $400 What is a transform boundary?

49 CATEGORY 3 - $500 What is a rift valley?

50 CATEGORY 4 - $100 What is the older crust is more dense because it’s colder?

51 CATEGORY 4 - $200 What is 9?

52 CATEGORY 4 - $300 What is the Pacific Ocean?

53 CATEGORY 4 - $400 Pacific Plate North American Plate African Plate Antarctic Plate Eurasian Plate Indo-Australian Plate South American Plate Caribbean Plate

54 CATEGORY 4 - $500 Earthquakes and volcanoes are located along plate boundaries because this is where the crust is being moved or subducted?

55 CATEGORY 5 - $100 What is subduction?

56 CATEGORY 5 - $200 What is SONAR?

57 CATEGORY 5 - $300 What is the Glomar Challenge ?

58 CATEGORY 5 - $400 What is the lithosphere?

59 CATEGORY 5 - $500 What is earthquakes?


61 FINAL CATEGORY: Plate Tectonics

62 FINAL CATEGORY Explain this Picture

63 What is sea-floor spreading? At the mid-ocean ridge, new molten material rises. The material cools. Then it is separated in both directions as more new, molten rises. The material at the center of the ridge is younger and as you move away from the ridge, it becomes older. FINAL CATEGORY




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