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Myth, Culture and Civilization. What is a myth? Why do societies have them? What myths do you already know? Review (Group)

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Presentation on theme: "Myth, Culture and Civilization. What is a myth? Why do societies have them? What myths do you already know? Review (Group)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Myth, Culture and Civilization

2 What is a myth? Why do societies have them? What myths do you already know? Review (Group)

3 What is a myth? –A story Provides an Explanation or Justification Teaches social or religious values/behavior Explains natural phenomenon Mythology and Society

4 Why do societies have them? –All societies have them Human need to understand Need for a collective “story” or identity Need for guidance of belief or behavior Mythology and Society

5 The Myth of Isis and Osiris

6 Family of Gods (Two of the Many)

7 The Story Story of a good ruler loved by his people ---Osiris Tricked into getting into a coffin at a great feast by his jealous brother--- Set Set then sealed Osiris in the coffin and threw it into the Nile

8 The Story Isis loved Osiris enough to search all over the world for him. Set, so envied this devotion that he cut Osiris into pieces out of spite. Isis then reassembled Osiris and wrapped him in bandages. (Q)

9 The Story Through Magic she then breathes life into him and conceives his son- Horus Horus then battled with Set to avenge his father Neither god was able to secure an overall victory

10 Osiris and Isis Osiris (Father) Represents- Masculine Growing Civilization Isis (Mother) Represents- Feminine Nurture Magic

11 Osiris and Isis Set/Seth Represents- Chaos/Storms Desert Darkness Horus Represents- Man/Pharaoh War/Resistance Sun and Moon

12 Review (Group) Name some themes from this story? What do you think is the message of this story?

13 So why do we care? Why are we interested in ancient myths?

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