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Robert Burns Poetic Parlour Poetic Parlour Автор: Илюхина Л. В. НОУ «Гимназия №1» учитель английского языка.

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Burns Poetic Parlour Poetic Parlour Автор: Илюхина Л. В. НОУ «Гимназия №1» учитель английского языка."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert Burns Poetic Parlour Poetic Parlour Автор: Илюхина Л. В. НОУ «Гимназия №1» учитель английского языка.

2 Poetic Parlour Robert Burns 1759-1796

3 Love and Friendship

4 Burns Night January 25 th Burns Supper :  Haggies (inside parts of the sheep minced and mixed up with outmeal and boiled)  Mashed potatoe or turnip puree  Arbroath “smokies”  Aberdeen – Angus steak  Scon (a cake)

5 The national poet of Scotland 1759

6 Name: Robert Burns Date of birth: January25th,1759 Place of birth: Alloway, Ayrshire, south-western Scotland The cottage in Alloway where Robert Burns was born and spent the first seven years of his life.

7  1765 – went to school school  1773 – wrote his first poem first poem “Handsome Nell” “Handsome Nell”


9 1784 1784  the head of the family  moved to Mossgiel Robert Burns is ploughing. Engraving by John le Conte.



12 “They never can divide My heart and soul from thee.”


14 1786. August. 1786. August.  a tremendous success of first edition in Kilmarnock of first edition in Kilmarnock “… weavers of Kilmarnock bought the books together, shared it by pages, learnt the poems by heart and then exchanged the pages…”  left for Edinburgh

15 1787. April. the second edition of poems in Edinburgh poems in Edinburgh




19 1791 1791  married Jean Armour  took the post of government inspector in Dumfries

20 1796 Name: Robert Burns Date of birth: January25th,1759 Date of death : 1796 Place of birth: Dumfries Burns’ house in Dumfries, where the poet died.

21 A reproduction copy of the manuscript of “Auld Lang Syne”


23 Thank you for attention Thank you for attention

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