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1 1 Energy use in buildings 1. 2 1 Greener buildings Buildings account for 40% of all energy use in Europe – more than transport or industry Better design,

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1 1 1 Energy use in buildings 1

2 2 1 Greener buildings Buildings account for 40% of all energy use in Europe – more than transport or industry Better design, more efficient lighting, heating, cooling and hot-water systems reduce energy use Integrating low energy consumption into building standards helps environment and saves household/ business costs Actors – local communities, designers, builders, owners and tenants

3 3 1 Energy use in buildings EU actions Legislation Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD – 2002/91/EC) Boiler Directive (89/106/EEC) SAVE Directive (93/76/EEC) Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC) The Intelligent Energy Europe programme Funding tool for energy efficiency and renewable energy EPBD buildings platform Information on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive CONCERTO Helps local communities become more self-sufficient and efficient with energy

4 4 1 Energy use in buildings Opportunities for SMEs Efficiency criteria for buildings and products used in heating, lighting and cooling Sustainable construction technology creates market and job opportunities More energy-efficient buildings = large cost savings Indirect benefit – companys image as environmentally responsible

5 5 1 Energy use in buildings Information for public authorities (1) Aims EPBD – improve buildings energy performances and integrate energy efficiency into urban planning Buildings classified by type, size and use National authorities define certification bodies Common method to measure energy performance

6 6 1 Energy use in buildings Energy efficiency standards for renovations of buildings >1,000m 2 Improving energy performance of social housing Raising public awareness Thermal imaging techniques measure heat loss – implications for urban development Information for public authorities (2)

7 7 1 Energy use in buildings Good practice 1: efficient urban renewal European Green Cities (2005) Aims to hurdle traditional barriers to energy efficiency technologies – perceived higher costs, lack of knowledge Common model for sustainable building for varying conditions Work with contractors on price calculations, train city authorities, builders and consultants, standards for energy efficiency 1,000 energy-efficient homes in nine countries Details:

8 8 1 Energy use in buildings Public and building owners EPBD – all buildings >50m 2 need energy performance certificate when built, sold or rented Priorities – lighting, passive heating and cooling, biomass and other renewables EU rules require regular inspections for boilers and air- conditioning systems Information on buildings energy performances for tenants/ buyers

9 9 1 Energy use in buildings Good practice 2: Calderdale and Kirklees Energy Savers - CAKES (2004) CAKES project West Yorkshire (UK) One-stop shop for public – advice on home improvements, discount prices, loans Network of approved installers Finance from local credit unions Results: 1,500 homes improved, 35,000 tonnes of CO 2 saved per year, average energy bills cut by 300 Details:

10 10 1 Energy use in buildings What is ManagEnergy? Initiative by European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport Supports local and regional actions on energy efficiency and renewable energies Training workshops/ online events Information on case studies, good practices, legislation and programmes Network of local and regional energy agencies (LEAs)

11 11 1 Energy use in buildings More information?

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