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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY AND THE BOND PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY PLAN 2014-2017."— Presentation transcript:


2 Technology Plan Our WCCUSD Technology Plan was approved by the Board on March 26, 2014. The WCCUSD Technology Plan supports upgrading district infrastructures, increasing capacity and the use of tablet technology to enhance and support the Common Core curriculum. These initiatives are in alignment with the goals and objectives contained within the WCCUSD LCAP and Strategic Plan.

3 Projects to Support Plan Firewall – Purchase a larger box with more capacity, flexibility and capabilities. Our current appliance will not keep up with the demand. BOND FUNDED Content Filter – Purchase larger box (more sophisticated) to accommodate more devices. Hopefully, this solution will be a component of the firewall and not a separate device. This is necessary for ERATE compliance. GENERAL FUNDS SPAM Filter – Purchase larger box to accommodate more devices. BOND FUNDED Voice over IP Phone System – Upgrade existing VoIP and provide all sites with the same communication system. Take advantage of current technology which will combine voicemail with email services. ERATE & GENERAL FUNDS Fiber Build – Install 10 Gb fiber from all sites to Information Technology Center. Bandwidth will not need to be increased for years. ERATE & GENERAL FUNDS 1 to 1 Computing – Start with carts and expand based on pilot data. BOND FUNDED Wireless Infrastructure – Upgrade all sites to provide wireless access. BOND FUNDED Assessment System – Purchase a more robust and easy-to-use assessment system in order to make better data-driven decisions regarding our students. MICROSOFT VOUCHER Data Center – Upgrade servers and increase storage capacity. BOND FUNDED

4 Measure D and E Bond Language Both Measure D and E Bond language states the following: Goal and Purpose: To upgrade computer technology, improve both current instruction methods and to expand job training programs by applying modern technology infrastructure such as: Provide and maintain upgraded technology, data and communication equipment. Upgrade and expand wireless systems, telecommunications, Internet and network connections. Upgrade and replace computers, hardware and software systems. Upgrade and replace classroom furniture, equipment and instructional aids. Upgrade media and audio/visual equipment. Expand bandwidth to allow students greater access to the Internet. Install up-to-date learning technology and equipment used in job training programs.

5 The Projected Budget Measure D and E Technology purchases to date total $18,575,347. This amount includes all infrastructure wireless upgrades, the purchase of the data center and the recent tablet purchase approved by the Board February 11, 2015, but does not include technology built into new school construction. The projected funds needed to continue our technology initiatives in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 follows:

6 The Roll-Out Plan September 2014 – One cart of 40 deployed to the Technology Teacher Leader at each site. This teacher trains two other teachers. April 2015 – Two carts deployed to each site; one for each trainee. Each are responsible to train two other teachers. October 2015 – Four carts deployed to each site; one for each trainee. Each are responsible to train two other teachers. March 2016 – Remaining tablets are purchased and methodically deployed to sites. One-to-one goal is achieved. Tablets are reassessed bi-annually to keep current with advances in technology. Based on pricing, features and user feedback, the ACER SW-5 is the new current standard.

7 Assessing Effectiveness Data will be collected from a variety of sources: Surveys (BrightBytes) Student Engagement (Feedback and Observation) Attendance (Student Information Management System) Report Cards (Student Information Management System) Benchmark Assessments (Illuminate Ed) State Assessments (Illuminate Ed) It is the belief that infusing technology throughout the curriculum will increase student engagement and will have therefore have positive affects on both attendance and assessments.


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