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排 尿 障 礙 及 尿 動 力 學 判 讀 新 光 吳 火 獅 紀 念 醫 院 泌 尿 科 葉 忠 信 醫 師

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Presentation on theme: "排 尿 障 礙 及 尿 動 力 學 判 讀 新 光 吳 火 獅 紀 念 醫 院 泌 尿 科 葉 忠 信 醫 師"— Presentation transcript:

1 排 尿 障 礙 及 尿 動 力 學 判 讀 新 光 吳 火 獅 紀 念 醫 院 泌 尿 科 葉 忠 信 醫 師

2 What the voiding dysfunction is
Failure to store and/or empty in terms of time and/or place Disorders of micturition may be classified as storage problems, emptying problems, and combinations of the two


4 SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS Frequency, Urgency, Nocturia
Hesitancy, Weak Stream, Intermittency, Incomplete Emptying Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms(LUTS) Urinary Retention Urinary Incontinence(stress,urge,mixed,overflow,total) Nocturnal Enuresis(DI, Nocturnal Polyuria, PNE) Suprapubic pain Associated symptoms

5 AUA Symptom Index

6 Clinical Comprehensive Evaluation
Bladder Diary History Taking(DM,Heart D’s,HTN,Renal D’s) Physical Examination(Prostate, Pelvic, Neurological) Laboratory exam.(U/A, U/C, Biochemistry, UFM) X-ray Image(KUB, IVU, VCUG) Ultrasound(Prostate, Residual Urine, Female B&U) Cystoscopy(CIS, ISD) Urodynamic Study(UFM,CMG,EMG,UPP,PFS,LPP, VUDS) The goal: To clarify the pathophysiolgy of voiding dysfunction

7 Bladder Diary

8 Clinical Comprehensive Evaluation
Bladder Diary History Taking(DM,Heart D’s,HTN,Renal D’s) Physical Examination(Prostate, Pelvic, Neurological) Laboratory exam.(U/A, U/C, Biochemistry, UFM) X-ray Image(KUB, IVU, VCUG) Ultrasound(Prostate, Female B&U, Residual Urine) Cystoscopy(CIS, ISD) Urodynamic Study(UFM,CMG,EMG,UPP,PFS,LPP, VUDS) The goal: To clarify the Pathophysiolgy of voiding dysfunction


10 The Significance of Residual Urine
Post-void RU:bladder(B) and outlet(O) relation Increased RU:B and/or O problems Negligible RU: normal mechanical function of LUT Generally, RU increase: relative detrusor failure with or without outlet obstruction. RU:not correlate with intravesical pressure, poor test-retest reliability RU with clinical circumstances, providing useful info. Ultrasound? Or Catheterizatin

11 Clinical Comprehensive Evaluation
Bladder Diary History Taking(DM,Heart D’s,HTN,Renal D’s) Physical Examination(Prostate, Pelvic, Neurological) Laboratory exam.(U/A, U/C, Biochemistry, UFM) X-ray Image(KUB, IVU, VCUG) Ultrasound(Prostate, Female B&U, Residual Urine Cystoscopy(CIS, ISD) Urodynamic Study(UFM,CMG,EMG,UPP,PFS,LPP, VUDS) The goal: To clarify the pathophysiolgy of voiding dysfunction


13 Clinical Comprehensive Evaluation
Bladder Diary History Taking(DM,Heart D’s,HTN,Renal D’s) Physical Examination(Prostate, Pelvic, Neurological) Laboratory exam.(U/A, U/C, Biochemistry, UFM) X-ray Image(KUB, IVU, VCUG) Ultrasound(Prostate, Female B&U, Residual Urine) Cystoscopy(CIS, ISD) Urodynamic Study(UFM,CMG,EMG,UPP,PFS,LPP, VUDS) The goal:To clarify the pathophysiolgy of voiding dysfunction


15 Application and Interpretation of Urodynamics
The goal : fully understand the pathophysiology underlying voiding dysfunction The feature : 1) logical extension of the history and physical examination 2) an interactive process between patient and clinician The pitfalls: 1) human mind, machine, and computer; each is fallible 2) the final diagnosis resides in the clinician’s brain, not CPU of the computer

16 Cystometrogram(CMG) A basic tool ; no CMG, no complete UDS
Vesical pressure as function of bladder volume “Yes” for capacity, sensations, compliance, contraction “No” for functional capacity, detrusor’s contractibility, involuntary contraction or not, Magnitude and duration not properly evaluated without simultaneous uroflow Gas or fluid CMG with special test(urecholine, ice-water, KCL test) Rapid cystometry( Viscoelasticity)

17 CMG

18 CMG Normal Normal

19 CMG Detrusor Hyperreflexia Poor Compliance DI


21 CMG Detrusor Arflexia Detrusor Underactivity

22 CMG Bladder Hypersesitivity

23 Uroflowmetry(UFM) Simple, non-invasive, favorably repeatable
Answer only one question: flow rate and trace itself Voided volume< ml vs. corrected Qmax Low flow rate, outlet or detrusor impairment

24 UFM(voided volume)

25 UFM(Qmax)

26 UFM(flow pattern) Constrictive Too short time to Qmax Serrated

27 UFM(flow pattern) Compressive-outlet Compressive-Detrusor

28 UFM(flow pattern) Intermittent

29 Sphincter Electromyography
Answer if sphincter relax or contract during detrusor contraction and voiding Evidence of neurologic or myopathic lesion or not Increased EMG activity—contract; decreased—relax EMG activity not related to the strength of sphincter contraction

30 EMG Normal Normal

31 EMG Artifact

32 EMG Pseudodyssynergia with DI

33 EMG Pseudodyssynergia Spinning top

34 EMG Poor relaxation

35 EMG DESD type1 DESD type2

36 EMG B-C reflex DESD type3

37 Urethral Pressure Profile(UPP)
In static UPP, little correlation with any useful clinical information Stress and micturitional UPP: pressure transmission from abdomen to urethra and the site of pressure changes

38 Stress UPP SUI

39 UPP for pelvic floor exercise(1)

40 UPP for pelvic floor exercise(2)

41 Pressure Flow Study(PFS)
The only way determining “Yes or No” of BOO & IBC A well-designed commode very important for performing this test properly

42 PFS Pdet.Qmax-2Qmax=AG number

43 PFS Pitfall 1

44 PFS Pitfall 2

45 PFS Pitfall 3 Pitf

46 PFS Upper tract obstruction? >22 cmH2O <15 cmH2O

47 PFS Obstruction

48 PFS Non-obstruction

49 PFS Non-obstruction Non-reflux

50 PFS Pitfall!

51 Leak Point Pressure(LPP)
Abdominal leak point pressure(ALPP):The vesical pressure at the time of leakage occurring during a maneuver which increases abdominal pressure Detrusor leak point pressure(DLPP): The detrusor pressure at the time of leakage responding to an abnormal high urethral resistance ALPP for measuring stress urinary incontinence DLPP indicating progressive upper tract changes ALPP includes VLPP and CLPP( Valsalva, cough LPP) No detrusor contraction occurred for a real ALPP

52 LPP High DLPP with bil.hydronephrosis

53 LPP Valsalva or Cough Val Vals

54 LPP Interplay of ISD and Hypermobility

55 LPP Intrinsic vs extrinsic

56 LPP Type 3 SUI

57 LPP Type 2 SUI

58 LPP Type 1 SUI

59 Video-urodynamics(VUDS)
The radiographic image plus PFS an EMG PFS vs VUDS; site of obstruction More information about bladder and urethra Expensive? ; need more expertise The “gold standard” in urodynamics

60 VUDS BPH with BOO

61 VUDS Female SUI


63 VUDS Anterior Urethral Valve

64 VUDS Spinning Top Urethral Sphincter Spasm

65 VUDS Cervical SCI with AD


67 Acknowledgement The best way to learn is to teach and to present
Many a thank to Professor Kuo for everything Thank You for Your Attention

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