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Saurashtra University

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1 Saurashtra University
Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan RUSA Transformation of Higher Education Prof. Alok Chakrawal Coordinator - IQAC Saurashtra University Rajkot –

2 Presentation Sequence
Concerns in Higher Education Triggers RUSA: What, Goals and Scope Why RUSA RUSA: Approach RUSA: Strategic Focus Components Guiding Principles Prerequisites Institutional Structures Institutional Development Plan State Higher Education Plan

3 Concerns in Higher Education
Access, Equity, Quality and Funding State Universities: Poor Reforms in areas like: Academic and Affiliation Governance Autonomy Role of State in Higher Education Funding not linked with performance Lack of Monitoring and Evaluation of Schemes of Higher Education Planning by State Governments and Institutions Poor Accountability of Institutions and States No partnership of stakeholders Very Low GER

4 Triggers for RUSA Success of SSA and RMSA
Existing poor condition of State Higher Education Institutions Limitations of UGC Need to make state equal partner in planning and monitoring Urgent need for stakeholder partnership in process of transformation of higher education

5 What is RUSA A Centrally Sponsored Scheme
A Strategic Intervention in Higher Education Tool reforms at State Level greater accountability and autonomy of state universities and colleges Performance linked Funding Funding on the basis of Plans, achievements and outcomes Key Result Areas Access, Equity and Excellence Role of States Funding and Accountability Planning and Monitoring State Higher Education Councils Planning, Execution, Evaluation, Monitoring and Capacity Building Emphasis on Planning Institutional Development Plans State Higher Education Plan Duration: XII and XIII Plan RUSA Implementation Structure

6 What is RUSA (2) Flow of Funds: Funding to States: Funding:
From MHRD to Institutions through State Budget Funding to States: Based on critical appraisal of State Higher Education Plans Funding: Norm Based Funding Future Grants would be outcome based Commitment –a Precondition for RUSA Eligibility Academic, Administrative and Governance Reforms Centre State Funding Ratio: 90:10 or 65:35 or 50:50

7 RUSA: Goals Target GER: 32% by the end of XIII Plan
State Universities and College Quality Improvement Capacity Enhancement State Universities and College to become: Dynamic Demand Driven Quality Conscious Efficient and Forward Looking Responsive to rapid economic and technological developments

8 RUSA: Goals (2) Mandatory Accreditation
Reforms in State Higher Education System through Institutional Structure for Planning and Monitoring at State Level Autonomy of State Universities/Institutions Improvements in Governance Academic and Examination Reforms in State Institutions Availability of Quality Teachers and Faculty Development Enabling Environment for Research and Innovation Expansion of Institutional Base: Creation of additional capacity of existing institutions Establishing new institutions Regional Balance in Access in Higher Education Inclusive Higher Education Women, Minorities, Differently enabled, SC/ST and EBC

9 RUSA: SCOPE All State Universities and Colleges 12b and 2(F) Compliant
Non-12B and Non-2 (f) Approx: 306 Universities and 8500 colleges Funding for: Improvement in Policy, Academic and Management Practices Public Funded Institutions: Eligible for all components Private Aided Institutions: Eligible for some component Funds for Infrastructure and Quality Improvement Capacity Building of the States to Plan, Implement and Monitor initiatives for higher education sector Planning by Institutions and by States: Institutional Development Plan State Higher Education Plan

10 Why RUSA Key Objectives: Planning at State level for:
To improve access, equity and quality in higher education Through Planned Development at State Level Planning at State level for: Creating new institutions Expanding and upgrading existing ones Strengthening self reliant institutions

11 RUSA Approach Funding: Performance based funding, Incentivizing well performing institutions, decision making through clearly defined norms State Higher Education Plan State Higher Education Council: Flow of Funds: Based on Outcomes and Achievements Physical Outputs and Intended Outcomes Non negotiable pre-requisites: A priority commitments to reforms process by state Academic, Administrative and Governance Reforms Creation of State Higher Education Council Filling up Faculty Positions Emphasis on Monitoring and Evaluation

12 RUSA: Approach Agreement between SHEC and RUSA Mission Authority
Institutional Development Plan and State Higher Education Plan States and Institutions meet pre-requisites States indicate their willingness to participate in RUSA Allocation of RUSA Funds Evaluation of SHE Plans: Norms and Criteria Agreement between SHEC and RUSA Mission Authority Future Grants dependent upon previous utilization

13 RUSA: Strategic Focus Spatial and Regional Planning and Mapping
Program and Discipline Planning Mandatory Accreditation and Quality Improvement Reforms: Governance and Academic Infrastructure Review of the Affiliating System Transparent and Norm-based Funding Outcome based re-imbursement Faculty Planning Equity Intervention Focus on Research and Innovation

14 RUSA: Components New Universities Equity Initiatives
Upgradation of Autonomous Colleges to Universities Faculty Recruitment Support Conversion of Colleges to Cluster Universities Faculty Improvements Infrastructure Grants to Universities Research Universities New Model Colleges (General) Vocationalization of Higher Education Upgradation of Existing Colleges to Model Colleges Leadership Development of Academic Administrators New Colleges (Professional) Institutional Restructuring and Reforms Infrastructure Grants to Colleges Capacity Building, Preparation, Data Collection and Planning Research, Innovation and Quality Improvement Management Information System

15 Guiding Principles Performance based outlays and Outcome based reimbursement Incentivizing and Dis-incentivizing Apolitical Decision Making Disclosure Based Governance Autonomy to Institutions and States Equity Based Development Quality and Research Focus

16 Prerequisites for the States
State Higher Education Council State Perspective Plan State Contribution to Higher Education as a % of GSDP State commitment to adhere to timelines for fund release Agreement to create separate fund for RUSA Filling Faculty Vacancies Accreditation Reforms and Mandatory Accreditation Affiliation and Examination Reforms Governance and Administrative Reforms at State Level Institutional Governance Reforms

17 Prerequisites for the Institutions
Governance Reforms at Institutional Level Academic Reforms (Semester System, Choice Based Credit System, Curriculum, Development, Admission Procedure) Examination Reforms (Continuous Internal Evaluation and its integration with Semester End Examination) Affiliation Reforms Separate Project Management Teams Perspective Planning Equity Commitment Research and Innovation Efforts Mandatory Faculty Recruitment and Improvement Establishment of Management Information System Regulatory Compliance

18 Areas of Caution Many other states are doing much better
Not all Universities/Colleges will be covered Commitments linked Grants IDP should be student centric There should be a good deal of dialogue amongst faculty, non teaching staff and students IDP by 14th December. Those who delay will be left out

19 Institutional Structure
National Level RUSA Mission Authority Project Approval Board Special Purpose Vehicle ( for Technical Support Group and Project Directorate) State Level State Higher Education Council State Project Directorate Technical Support Group Institutional Level Governing Body Project Monitoring Unit

20 Tentative Goals for Gujarat
How to Monitor Better Regularity % Attendance Better Infrastructure Quality NET, NAAC Better Outcomes % Employed,, Research Citation Index, CBCS, Credit Transfer Advanced and Up-to-date Syllabus % of Syllabus updated in last 5 years Automated Processes Academic and Non Academic Staff Ratio Better Outreach GER, Gender Ratio, GER among SC&ST Better Teaching Quality Monitoring

21 Institutional Development Plan
Executive Summary Outcome Analysis of last SHEP Policy and Strategic Reforms in Strategic Areas Conditionality Scheme/Program under RUSA Monitoring and Evaluation Financial Management State Resources and other Sources of Funds Priority Projects, if other sources are available

22 State Higher Education Plan
Table of Contents Executive Summary Chapter 1: Introduction: Vision, Mission, Goals Chapter 2: Background Chapter 3: Analysis of Past Performance: Summary and Detailed Analysis Chapter 4: Preparation of State Plan: Methodology and Stakeholder Consultation Chapter 5: Five Year Perspective Plan Chapter 6: Snapshot of the Annual Plan: Priority Areas and Strategy Chapter 7: Detailed Plan: Overview of Major Initiatives, Private Sector Participation and Detailed Component-wise allocations Chapter 8: University-wise Plan and Financial Impact: Outlays for all universities and colleges, University-wise break up, College-wise break up, Detailed allocations for universities Annexure: Annexure 1: State Baseline Annexure 2: Evaluation of State Development Proposal

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