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Vendors for MainePERS Employers Welcome! 1 Vendor Informational Meeting August 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Vendors for MainePERS Employers Welcome! 1 Vendor Informational Meeting August 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vendors for MainePERS Employers Welcome! 1 Vendor Informational Meeting August 2009

2 MainePERS New Pension Software Beginning in early 2010 Replacing legacy business applications Integrated line-of-business system 2

3 Agenda Employer Self-Service (ESS) Overview Payroll Reporting- New requirements Group Life Insurance- New requirements Testing & Roll-out Schedule Questions & Answers 3

4 ESS Overview 4

5 ESS Features Employer Management Member Information Importing Files Administration Functions 5

6 Employer Self Service- Home Page 6

7 Import/Export Files- Import Where employer can changer data on a member in a file not yet released 123 7

8 Import/Export Files- Detail 8

9 EPF Employers- Edits Errors are severe and fatal conditions  Errors at Import  Errors at Validation Exceptions are informational but worth looking at  Exceptions at Validation 9

10 Screen Shot- Manual Filers 10

11 Screen Shot- Manual Filers 11

12 Changes for Paper Reporters September 2009  Plan Participation Status  Rate Schedule Number  Plan Code (Plan Class) 12

13 Changes for Paper Reporters Plan Participation Status  A=Actively participating  Retired Returned to Work (RRTW)  Y=Employer Paid Employee Contributions. 13

14 Changes for Paper Reporters Rate Schedule Number (RSN)  If Personnel Status Code (PSC) is 53 RRTW, RSN= 000053  For all other PSC Codes and when Plan Participation Status is “A”, RSN = 000001 for most plans  For all other PSC Codes and when Plan Participation Status is “Y”, RSN is assigned by MainePERS 14

15 Changes for Paper Reporters Plan Code (Plan Class)  Currently reported as two (2) digit alpha code  Changing to five (5) digit alpha-numeric code Ex. AC = 110AC 15

16 New Paper Format 16

17 Changes for EPF Filers Import files v ia ESS Module Field Value Changes  Plan Class Codes  Rate Schedule Numbers 17

18 EPF Employers- Submitting Files Before “go-live”  Employers to submit a test file prior to live data With “go-live” and on-going  One original file per reporting period  Employers correct data directly in the syst em 18

19 EPF Employers- File Data Format Data recorded in ASCII format Unblocked Fixed length 256 character records CR/LF termination for each record for a total length of 258 characters per record 19

20 EPF Employers- File Layout Three distinct types of records (rows)  One Header  One or more Detail rows  One Summary Single Employer Files vs. Multiple Employer Files 20

21 EPF Employers- Naming the File The ASCII file name format will be- EEEEEEMMYYX. 21 EEEEE, or EEEEEEEmployer code assigned by MainePERS. The employer code assigned by the MainePERS may be either a five or six character code. MMEmployer Reporting Month YYEmployer Reporting Year X“O” Original or “T” Test Example: TCPOR0109O. The original file submitted by the Portland School Department in January of 2009

22 EPF Employers- Edit Messages Header Record H1.1 - Transmitter Code missing or does not match H7.1 – Header Filing Type contains invalid code H7.3 - Second original submission submitted, only one is valid 22

23 EPF Employers- Edit Messages Detail Record D4.3 – SSN is not a participant D9.2 – PSC is invalid D28.4 – Time Unit Code inconsistent with Expected Weeks per Year 23

24 EPF Employers- Edit Messages Summary Record S13.1 – Total Earnable Compensation format is invalid S13.2 – Summary Total Earnable Compensation does not match total detail S19.1 – Total Life Insurance – active Basic submitted 24

25 Employer Testing & Roll-out Regionalized Training w/ employers  Mid October – Mid December  Hands on training  Using employer’s own data for testing 25

26 Employer Testing & Roll-out Employer Test Files  “Sandbox” time directly following training  Test file required prior to go-live  Using a file from a specific month  Reflecting changes needed for ESS processing 26

27 What can be done now? Partner with clients and MainePERS Continue to encourage your clients to go EPF Assist current Paper Filers with changes to the paper file for September 27

28 What can be done now? Review current reporting data for inconsistencies Encourage your clients to take advantage of training and testing opportunities as available Ask questions and give feedback 28

29 Timeline for Implementation 29 Mid-September:Sandbox Testing- ESS “early testers” October-December: Training for all MainePERS employers- Begin submitting test files December: All MainePERS employers have submitted one test file successfully ESS Goes Live Early 2010

30 Group Life Insurance 30

31 Requirements for GLI– Starting 2010 with New System Group Life Insurance premiums removed from payroll reports Annual level adjustment- New Import File 31

32 GLI– Removed from Payrolls MainePERS will direct bill employers Monthly bill 32

33 GLI– Payroll Field Changes Detail Record- “D”  Fields: 15, 17, 19, 20 Now Blank Summary Record- “S”  Fields: 11, 17, 19-22 Now Blank 33 Formerly Group Life Insurance fields

34 Requirements for GLI– Annual Level Adjustment Annual level adjustment made through electronic file submission  Information uploaded via ESS module  Format complies with the W-2 file format submitted to the IRS. 34

35 Requirements for GLI– Annual Level Adjustment MainePERS will determine the basic level of coverage by adding the following boxes:  Box 1  Box 10  Box 12 (Except box 12C)  Box 14 35

36 36 Questions

37 Thank you. 37

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