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Fourth Grade Spanish Quarter 2. Which vowel in Spanish says… OHH... Like in the word “open” O.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth Grade Spanish Quarter 2. Which vowel in Spanish says… OHH... Like in the word “open” O."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth Grade Spanish Quarter 2

2 Which vowel in Spanish says… OHH... Like in the word “open” O

3 Which vowel in Spanish says… AHH …. Like in the word “awe” A

4 Which vowel in Spanish says… EH... Like in the word “egg” E

5 Which vowel in Spanish says… OOO... Like in the word “cool” U

6 Which vowel in Spanish says… EEE... Like in the word “eel” I

7 How do you say this number in Spanish? 5 Cinco

8 How do you say this number in Spanish? 3 Tres

9 How do you say this number in Spanish? 15 Quince [keen-say]

10 How do you say this number in Spanish? 0 Cero

11 How do you say this number in Spanish? 13 Trece [tray-say]

12 How do you say this number in Spanish? 4 Cuatro

13 How do you say this number in Spanish? 6 Seis

14 How do you say this number in Spanish? 9 Nueve

15 How do you say this number in Spanish? 12 Doce [doe-say]

16 How do you say this number in Spanish? 1 Uno

17 How do you say this number in Spanish? 8 Ocho

18 How do you say this number in Spanish? 14 Catorce [caw-tore-say]

19 How do you say this number in Spanish? 2 dos

20 How do you say this number in Spanish? 11 once [own-say]

21 How do you say this number in Spanish? 12 doce [doe-say]

22 How do you say this number in Spanish? 7 siete

23 How do you say this number in Spanish? 10 diez

24 Now add or subtract the numbers and say the answer in Spanish.

25 Uno + Dos = 3 Tres

26 Ocho + Cinco = 13 trece

27 Siete – Seis = 1 uno

28 Cero + Dos = 2 dos

29 Seis + Seis = 12 doce

30 Siete – Siete = 0 cero

31 Once – Seis = 5 cinco

32 Siete + Ocho = 15 quince

33 Doce – dos = 10 diez

34 Tres + Cuatro = 7 siete

35 Cuatro + Cuatro = 8 ocho

36 Nueve – Cinco = 4 cuatro

37 Diez + Cuatro = 14 catorce

38 Nueve + dos = 11 once

39 Catorce – Ocho = 6 seis

40 Tres + Seis = 9 nueve

41 How do you say DAD in Spanish? Papá Remember not to say papa!!

42 How do you say MOM in Spanish? Mamá

43 How do you say Grandpa in Spanish? Abuelo

44 How do you say BROTHER in Spanish? Hermano

45 How do you say Grandma in Spanish? Abuela

46 How do you say SISTER in Spanish? Hermana

47 How do you say BABY in Spanish? Bebé

48 How do you say DOG in Spanish? Perro

49 How do you say FISH in Spanish? Pez

50 How do you say CAT in Spanish? Gato

51 Where are your OJOS ?

52 Where is your NARIZ ?

53 Where is your boca ?

54 Where are your OREJAS ?

55 Where are your MANOS ?

56 Where are your PIES ?

57 Where is your pelo ?

58 Where are your brazos ?

59 Where are your piernas ?

60 What is a CAMISA? A shirt

61 What is a BLUSA? A blouse

62 What are GUANTES? gloves

63 What is a CHAQUETA? A jacket

64 What is an ABRIGO? A coat

65 What are PANTALONES? Pants

66 What are PANTALONES CORTOS? Shorts

67 What is a SUÉTER? Sweater

68 What is a FALDA? Skirt

69 What is a SOMBRERO? Hat

70 What is a GORRO? Cap

71 What is a BUFANDA? SCARF

72 What is a TRAJE de BAÑO? Bathing Suit

73 What are MEDIAS? Socks

74 What are BOTAS? Boots

75 What are SANDALIAS? Sandals

76 What are ZAPATOS? [saw-paw- toes] Shoes

77 What is a VESTIDO? [bess-tee-doe] Dress

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