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Becoming an Expert in Searching the Internet What makes an Internet source credible?

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming an Expert in Searching the Internet What makes an Internet source credible?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming an Expert in Searching the Internet What makes an Internet source credible?

2 Domain Extensions O Do you remember the five domain extensions? O In order of credibility: (government) (education (organization) (network) (commercial)

3 Is this a credible source? O Ask yourself these questions: O Who? Who made this site? O What? What is the purpose of this site? O When? When was this site last updated? O Where? Where did this info come from? Country? O Why? Why should I use this site as opposed to all the other sites on this topic?

4 Tricks to Searching the Internet? O When searching in Google: 1. Add site: with domain extension O i.e. concussions O Your results will only include educational sites on the topic of concussions 2. Add quotations around phrases to search for those words together O i.e. “concussions football” O Your results will only include educational sites that discuss concussions in football

5 Tricks to Searching the Internet? O When searching in Google: 3. Use Google Scholar to find journal and book sources ( 4. Narrow your search by “time”

6 How to Use Wikipedia? O External links: O “See also” for other browsing terms:

7 Now, go search, you experts!

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