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THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE. MODERNISM In the early 20° century many Victorian doubts and fears about society and man’s place in the universe were confirmed.

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2 MODERNISM In the early 20° century many Victorian doubts and fears about society and man’s place in the universe were confirmed and many optimistic hopes were disappointed. Science and industry  not produce a better world European selfconfidence destroyed  U.S.A. and Russia replaced France and Britain Economic depression  goverments control state economy  Welfare State Marx  The Communist Manifesto  optimistic secure view of the future The only sure point of references of any individual was himself.

3 Man feels out of palce without divine principles and reference point. The only sure point of references of any individual was himself. Albert Einstein theory of relativity  space and time did not exist as separate Henri Bergson  rejected conventional ideas of time Sigmund Freud  people’s behaviour depends very largely on the unconscious part of their minds. Carl Jung  symbolic meanings

4 FERDINAND DE SAUSSURE (1857-1913) Cours de Linguistique generale  basis of structuralism and semiotics Nothing authoritative about Saussure’ s theory He developed a theory of synchronic language  the spoken word (signifier) and object (signified) is arbitrary  language semiotic system Meaning  relantionship between signs  constructed trhough difference, binary pairs

5 THE SIGN For Saussure sign is the basic element of language Charles Sanders Peirce isolated 3 different types of signs: 1.The symbolic sign  word symbolises its referent 2.The indexical sign  signpost pointing in a certain direction 3.The iconic sign  it resembles its object but like a picture The sign contains both its signifying element and its meaninguìful content. Signifier  sensible part of a verbal sign Signified  interpretation added to the signifier No relantioship between signifier/signified  it is arbitrary

6 Before Saussure  Diachronic linguistic  charting changes through time. Saussure invented synchronic linguistic  language system based on signs «A language is a system of differences with no positive terms»

7 STRUCTURALISM Structuralism  wide range of discourses that study structures of signification Map the cultures scientifically through a structuralist methodology ROLAND BARTHES: - proclaimed the death of the author - is relatively unimportant to the process of writing.

8 JACQUES DERRIDA : - used Saussune’s insights to develop Deconstruction - he focused on the binary pairs. Meaning is developed by the term differance Subjectivity and presance Privileging of speech and presence logocentirsm

9 POSTSTRUCTURALISM Poststructuralism  meaning is costantely slipping from one sign to the next Signifies do not produce signified  endless chain of signifies

10 LACAN : Applied Seassure’s ideas to psychoanalysis  his theory is not antology Distinction between metaphor and metonimy Function to suppress Function to combine The unoconscious is structured like a language

11 MICHEL FOCAULT  genealogist He used the terms genealogy or archeology of knowledge  focused on ruptures Discouse  medium troug which power is expressed THOMAS KUHN  paradigm to describe the foucalidian discoverses EDWARD SAID  analyze Orientalism

12 JAKOBSON Combination Selection / substitution metonimy metaphor dispiacenentcondensation

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