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Political Science Dr. Nerijus Maliukevičius Vilnius University.

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1 Political Science Dr. Nerijus Maliukevičius Vilnius University

2 Q.’s Name any notable Political Scientist. How would you use the knowledge about Politics? What is your Political identity? Do you take part in the Elections?

3 Political theory and methodology Questions: 1. Origins of politics. 2. Political science and its evolution. 3. Problem of autonomy of political science. 4. “The Power of Nightmares”.

4 Political theory and methodology Politics – normatively “polluted” word. “WAR is continuation of politics by other means” Carl von Clausewitz Definition (politics): Politics is social activity of initiating and implementing collective decisions. Definition (policy): Governmental program or plan of actions (health, education, administrative policies) Etymology of the word: polis; politeia.

5 Political theory and methodology Ways to look at politics: Politics as art (Plato, Aristotle); Politics of compromise; Politics of power (Marxists, Feminists); Politics as a way to solve public problems effectively – public administration.

6 Political theory and methodology Origins of politics? Because of individual or social nature of humans? Because of unity of values or their differences? Because of unequal distribution of goods in society or…? Because of a need to justify this inequality? The philosophical sources of Tyranny and Dictatorship vs. Democracy and Civil Society – Thomas Hobbes vs. Jean- Jacques Rousseau?

7 Political theory and methodology What is the goal of politics? Consensus? Victory? What is effective politics?

8 Political theory and methodology Politics and power Power is social capacity to achieve binding decisions which have long-term effects.

9 Niccolò Machiavelli FoxesLions Intelligent Manipulative Imaginative Consensus seeking Flexible Determined Confrontational Firm Principled Loyal Inflexible Ruthless

10 Transformation of power Industrial age “Stick and carrot” strategy; nuclear and military resources. Information age “Soft power” strategy; telecommunication and media resources.

11 Political theory and methodology Politics and Ideology Ideology is is a set of beliefs, aims and ideas. The main purpose behind an ideology is to offer change in society through a normative thought process. Liberalism / Conservatism / Socialism and other …isms

12 Political science … is an academic and research discipline that deals with the theory and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems, political institutions and political behaviour. … a viable professional community sharing the ‘self-imposed standards and norms’ into which the incoming members of the profession are socialized.

13 Political science Types of Knowledge (Walter Wallace) Religious; Mystical; Authoritarian; Logical deductive; Scientific. !!! All are used in Politics but only Scientific works for Political science

14 Political science Tools of scientific knowledge Concept – general idea about something (exp. Political culture). Model – a tool which helps achieve knowledge (exp. Easton’s Political system; Policy cycle). Theory – a system of concepts and models which helps to explain and predict social events (exp. Realist theory of IR). ??? Paradigms

15 Political science Level of analysis problem ??? Policy Politeia Politics Micro Mezo Macro Individual Social International

16 Political science Evolution – from universalism to institualization of PS: 1. Philosophic tradition; 2. Empirical tradition; 3. Scientific tradition; 4. Contemporary traditions – the “smart mix” of all. Exp. of Lithuania

17 Methodology Research methods: Experimental – problem of controlling the variables; Quantitative and qualitative – lies, damned lies, and statistics; Comparative – how much is enough? Case study – what it proves?

18 Political science The problem of autonomy? – Geopolitics; – Political communication; – Political economy; –…–… Normative dilemma for political scientist?

19 Discussion The most influential types of political knowledge in contemporary public affairs? How political power is different from other forms of power? Origins of politics – how do you see it?

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