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KSE: LISTED FINANCIAL SECTOR Presentation by Prof. Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed Founder Principal, Hailey College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab,

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Presentation on theme: "KSE: LISTED FINANCIAL SECTOR Presentation by Prof. Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed Founder Principal, Hailey College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab,"— Presentation transcript:

1 KSE: LISTED FINANCIAL SECTOR Presentation by Prof. Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed Founder Principal, Hailey College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (2003----), Member Governing Council, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), New York (1997-2000), President, South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) (1997), President, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (1997-2000), President, Association of Management Development Institutions of South Asia (AMDISA) (1993-96), Pro Vice-Chancellor University of the Punjab, Lahore (1994-1996), Founder Director, Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of the Punjab, Lahore (1973-1996). Email: 1 Topic List Financial Sector Performance K ARACHI S TOCK E XCHANGE Focus Date and Value April 09, 2011, Sheraton Hotel, Karachi.

2 Sr. #PARTICULARS 1.KSE: Vital Facts 2.KSE: Pertinent Data 3.KSE: Market Capitalization 4.KSE: Listed Banking Sector & Financial Services Companies 5.KSE: Listed Banks 6.KSE: Listed Financial Services Companies 7.KSE: Listed Insurance Sector 8.KSE: Listed Life Insurance Companies 9.KSE: Listed Non-Life Insurance Companies PRESENTATION FRAME

3 1. Number of Listed Companies639 2. Listed CapitalRs. 902b 3. Market CapitalizationRs. 3,259b 4. Indices: KSE 3019,446 KSE 10012,041 All Shares Index8,357 5. Trading: Volume70m ValueRs. 3,197m 1: KSE: VITAL FACTS February 18, 2011 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011.

4 Month at the CloseListed CapitalMarket CapitalizationKSE 100 Index 2010Rs. b% %100 Index% August9101002,7421009,813100 September9111012,77210110,013102 October9151012,90410610,598108 November9151013,06911211,235114 December9191013,26911912,022123 2011 January899993,34212212,359126 Average9121013,01611011,007112 2: KSE: PERTINENT DATA August 2010 to January 2011

5 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011. S. No.SegmentRs. Billion% 1.Oil Gas1,16436 2.Banks 68021 3.Chemicals 35511 2,19968 4.Food Producers 28608 5.Personal Goods 13604 6.Electricity 10803 2,72983 7.Others 53017 3,259100 US $ (Rs. 87 = $ 1)$ 37b 3: KSE: MARKET CAPITALIZATION February 18, 2011

6 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011. 1. L ISTED C OMPANIES : ParticularsNumber% KSE: Listed Companies639100 Listed Banks and Financial Services Companies (25+33 = 58)589.07 2. P AID UP C APITAL : ParticularsRs. b% Total Listed on KSE902100 Listed Banks and Financial Services Companies (286+26 = 312)31234.58 3. Y EAR E NDING : ParticularsNumber% 1. June3153 2. December2747 58100 4. P AR V ALUE A NALYSIS : ParticularsRs.% Par Value10100 4: KSE: LISTED BANKING SECTOR & FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANIES February 18, 2011 Quantitative Analysis

7 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011. 4: KSE: LISTED BANKING SECTOR & FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANIES February 18, 2011 Quantitative Analysis 5. Y EAR OF L ISTING : ParticularsNumber% 1978-19900305 1991-19952238 1996-20041424 2005-20101933 58100 6. M ARKET C APITALIZATION : ParticularsRs. b% All Listed Shares3,259100 Listed Banks and Financial Services Companies (680+18 = 698)69821.41 7. P AR V ALUE A NALYSIS : ParticularsNumber% 1. Below Par3865 2. Par and Above par1628 3. Not Traded0407 58100

8 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011. 8. GDP S HARE : Particulars$ b% Pakistan188*100 KSE Listed Market Capitalization3720 Listed Banks and Financial Services Companies Market Capitalization084.26 4: KSE: LISTED BANKING SECTOR & FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANIES February 18, 2011 Quantitative Analysis * The Economist: The World in 2011, P. 111.

9 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011. 1. YEAR ENDED December 2. PAR VALUE - Rs. 10 - Break up Particulars Number% Below Par1456 Above Par1144 Total 25 100 - Lowest: Rs. 1.41 Network Microfinance Bank Ltd. - Highest: Rs. 215.38 MCB Bank Ltd. 3. PAID UP VALUE Rs. 286b 4. MARKET CAPITALIZATION Rs. 680b (2.37 times of Paid up Value) 5: KSE: LISTED BANKS February 18, 2011

10 6: KSE: LISTED FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANIES February 18, 2011 1. YEAR ENDED MonthNumber% June 3194 December 02 6 Total 33 100 2. PAR VALUE - Rs. 10 - Break up ParticularsNumber% Below par 2472 Above par 0515 Not Traded 0413 Total 33 100 - Lowest: Rs. 0.58AMZ Venture Class A. - Highest: Rs 25.69JS Global Capital. 3. PAID UP VALUE Rs. 26b 4. MARKET CAPITALIZATION Rs. 18b (0.69 times of Paid up Value)

11 7: KSE: LISTED INSURANCE SECTOR February 18, 2011 Quantitative Analysis 1. Listed Companies ParticularsNumber% KSE Listed Companies639100 Listed Insurance Companies (22 Non Life + Life 04=26) 639-26 264.07 2. Paid up Capital ParticularsRs. (Billion) % Total Listed on KSE902100 Listed Insurance Companies141.55 3. Year of Ending (December) 4. Par Value Analysis ParticularsRs.Number% Paid up Value (Par Value)102495 050205 26100

12 5. Year of Listing YearNumber% 19490208 1952- 1969 1038 1980- 1989 0727 1973 1990- 2010 0727 Total26100 6. Market Capitalization ParticularsRs. (Billion)% All Listed Shares3,259100 Listed Insurance Companies501.53 7: KSE: LISTED INSURANCE SECTOR February 18, 2011 Quantitative Analysis

13 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011. 7. Par Value Analysis ParticularsNumber% Par & Above Par1767 Below Par0830 Not Traded0103 Total26100 8. GDP Share Particulars$ (Billion)% Pakistan188*100 KSE Listed Market Capitalization 3720 Listed Insurance Companies Market Capitalization 0.570.30 7: KSE: LISTED INSURANCE SECTOR February 18, 2011 Quantitative Analysis * The Economist: The World in 2011, P. 111.

14 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011. 8: KSE: LISTED LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES February 18, 2011 1. YEAR ENDED December 2. PAID UP VALUE - Rs. 10 - Break up Particular Number% Above Par375 Below Par125 Total4 100 - Lowest: Rs. 1.70 East West Life Assurance. - Highest: Rs. 58.13 EFU Assurance. 3. PAID UP CAPITAL Rs. 2.48b 4. MARKET CAPITALIZATION Rs. 8.52b (3.44 times of Paid up Capital)

15 Source: Extracted From: KSE: Daily Quotations, February 18, 2011. 9: KSE: NON-LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES February 18, 2011 1. YEAR ENDED December 2. PAR VALUE Rs. Number% 10 2090 02 1010 Total 22 100 - Break up Particulars Number% Above Par1463 Below Par0732 Not Traded0105 Total 22 100 - Lowest: Rs. 2.27 Universal Insurance. - Highest: Rs. 296.00 East West insurance. 3. PAID UP CAPITAL Rs. 11.77b 4. MARKET CAPITALIZATION Rs. 41b (3.48 times of Paid up Capital)

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