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Telling your story! Social Media is a powerful tool Connects us with friends and family Allows you to express what you’re passionate about.

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Presentation on theme: "Telling your story! Social Media is a powerful tool Connects us with friends and family Allows you to express what you’re passionate about."— Presentation transcript:


2 Telling your story! Social Media is a powerful tool Connects us with friends and family Allows you to express what you’re passionate about

3 What YOU can do… What young person doesn’t have a Facebook page these days? Use it for more than communicating with your friends Use it to…. tell your story! BE PROUD STEP UP! RECRUIT FRIENDS

4 Don’t forget… Facebook is a professional tool Be respectful! Be honest! Be courteous! It is important that you are professional and use good judgment when using social media as a platform to tell your story.

5 Your story MATTERS! Be a part of a conversation As a Texas ambassador for agriculture, you have the power to talk about your experiences in agriculture People want to hear from kids (like them) They don’t have to always hear from adults

6 What YOU can do… You already know how to use social media BUT, use the elevator speech on the Ag Proud website to get started with some talking points Practice doing this in 30 seconds or less Then, write it on someone’s wall, tweet about it, and just… GET SOCIAL! AG IS LIFE! TELL YOUR STORY!!!

7 What’s Next? After you start getting your story out there, don’t be surprised if others take notice They may even start asking you questions about your agriculture story—be yourself! Don’t be afraid to seek an adult mentor like your Ag teacher or county agent BE PROUD Enthusiasm is key!

8 And don’t forget to follow Texas Proud of Texas Agriculture! Keywords: Texas proud of Texas agriculture

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