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DRUGS. BRAINPOP VIDEO CLIP alth/drugabuse/ alth/drugabuse/

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3 BRAINPOP VIDEO CLIP alth/drugabuse/ alth/drugabuse/

4 Definition of a Drug? A chemical substance that, when taken into the body, will change functioning of the body/mind in some way.

5 meaning doctors are allowed to prescribe them for patients, stores can sell them, and people are allowed to buy them. Definition of a Legal Drug?

6 Over the Counter Drug- a drug that can be purchased without a prescription – Advil – Tylenol – Motrin – Benadryl – Sudafed Prescription Drugs- is a medicine that can be obtained only with a written order from a licensed health professional. – OxyContin – Xanax – Ritalin Cigarettes-In the United States, adults 18 and older can buy cigarettes Alcohol- In the United States those 21 and older can buy alcohol.) *But smoking and excessive drinking are not healthy for adults and are off limits for kids. Examples of a Legal Drug?

7 Read the label and follow directions. Ask if you have questions. Take medicines exactly as prescribed. If the instructions say take one tablet four times a day, don't take two tablets twice a day. It's not the same. Always follow your doctor's or pharmacist's instructions. Never share prescription medicine with anyone else

8 A drug whose production or use is prohibited by the government. Illegal drugs are drugs that are made and used purely for their effects and are harmful to the body. Definition of an illegal Drug? Illegal Drug Use- is the wrong use, possession, manufacture, or sale of controlled drugs; and the use possession, manufacture, or sale for illegal drugs.

9 Inhalants MarijuanaCocaine CrackMeth Examples of a illegal Drug?

10 By Mouth Inhaled Smoked Injected Applied to Skin How is a drug taken into the body?

11 What are harmful Effects of drug abuse? Physical Health: – Sleeplessness – Irritability – damage to the body organs, death Mental/emotional health: – Drugs kill brain cells interfering with the user’s ability to think – drugs can cause depression – low self-esteem. Social health – Lose interest in school – withdraw from family and friends – get involved with the wrong crowd.

12 What is withdrawal? Signs and symptoms Withdrawal- a condition that occurs when a person with a physical dependence stops the drug. Signs and Symptoms – Vomiting – Restless/Shaking – Losing Sleep – Depression – Severe Stomach Cramping

13 What is Drug Tolerance? The change in the body’s response to the drug so that larger and larger doses are needed for the same desired effect.

14 What is a stimulant? Drugs that speed up body functions (like the heart and lungs) so they become faster than normal Examples: – Caffeine-a legal drug that is found in chocolate, coffee, tea, soda, prescription drugs, and OTC drugs. – Cocaine and Crack-a high addictive drug ob obtained from the leave of the coca bush. – Amphetamines (speed)- chemically manufactured drugs that are highly addictive.

15 Depressants Drugs that slow down body functions so they become slower than normal. Examples: – Marijuana-a drug containing THC that impairs short term memory and changes moods – Inhalants- chemicals that are breathe in and produced immediate effects – Alcohol- An alcoholic beverage is a drink that contains ethanol (commonly called alcohol). Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beer, wine, and spirits.

16 Hallucinogens Drugs that changes how a person’s brain works. A person may see, hear, smell, taste, and feel things that do not exist. Examples: – LSD- hallucinogen that is often sold in powder, tablet, or capsule form. Flashbacks can be produced – PCP-also known as angel dust, body actions to speed up or slow down. – Ecstasy (MDMA)- is an illegal drug that can act as a stimulant as well as a hallucinogen.

17 Any Questions about Drug?

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