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Each student will create three slides. Each slide will present a part of your NCCBA project.

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Presentation on theme: "Each student will create three slides. Each slide will present a part of your NCCBA project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Each student will create three slides. Each slide will present a part of your NCCBA project.

2 B egin a New Slide Start - Programs Microsoft Office – PowerPoint 2007 You will see two frames: Title/Subtitle Delete both frames New slide: Blank Add two more blank slides Start with slide one Add text and pictures as needed Be sure to save frequently Solid backgrounds ONLY



5 Slide One Search the Internet for pictures of book jacket Insert pictures of author/illustrator Resize if needed Don’t make it too crowded – Keep it neat and not messy Add a summary of the story; from the book jacket or HIP Only add clip art if it is appropriate for your title or subject matter See example on next slide

6 Story and Pictures by Alexander Steffensmeier Millie is unlike most other cows. She chews her cud and grazes in the fields with the others, but she doesn't enjoy that nearly as much as she loves scaring the mail carrier. It's too bad the mail carrier doesn't have as much fun each time Millie comes up with a new way to surprise him. Who knew delivering the mail was going to be such a difficult job?


8 Slide Two Nonfiction Connection Pick one of your nonfiction topics Find pictures to illustrate the topic Find information on the internet related to your topic Arrange your information on the page Don’t make it too crowded Look at the following example slide

9 NONFICTION CONNECTION Universal symbols can be used to communicate nonverbally with people from other countries and cultures. Can you figure out what each of these symbols means??

10 Slide Three This slide is for you to decide Ideas: List some of your vocabulary words and/or use them in a sentence Other books by the same author or illustrator from the HIP (YES, you can look at the HIP in the computer lab!!) If you know how to link to the author or illustrators web site do it here Tell about your favorite illustration

11 Other books by Mr. Steffensmeier – including one in German, his native language. Be sure to look at his web site it is cool! But you might need to understand some German.

12 Are you finished? Do your slides look attractive? Is there good contrast between text and background? Is the text easy to read? Have you chosen good photos and/or clip art pictures? Show your slides to a classmate without getting out of your chair

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