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UN Development Paradigm and the ILO. Overview The Millennium Declaration The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) MDGs and the role of the ILO.

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Presentation on theme: "UN Development Paradigm and the ILO. Overview The Millennium Declaration The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) MDGs and the role of the ILO."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN Development Paradigm and the ILO

2 Overview The Millennium Declaration The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) MDGs and the role of the ILO

3 The Millennium Declaration

4 The Millennium Declaration is changing the way the UN system works In September 2000, world leaders adopted the Millennium Declaration The Millennium Declaration has demanded and facilitated the evolution of a more coordinated, cohesive and functional UN system The UN system needs to focus on both accountability and action: on accountability for the UN System’s performance to help countries implement the Millennium Declaration, and adjusting and accelerating action to help countries meet the Millennium Declaration objectives

5 The Millennium Declaration: responding to a changing world The Declaration established a new framework for multilateral cooperation It articulated a set of interrelated commitments and goals in terms of peace and security; human rights and governance and economic and social progress Collectively the UN system is focusing on the three broad themes of the Declaration – poverty eradication and sustainable development; human rights, democracy and good governance; and prevention and management of armed conflicts Commitment to make globalization a positive for all

6 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

7 The MDGs (1) 1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2.Achieve universal primary education 3.Promote gender equality and empower women 4.Reduce child mortality 5.Improve maternal health 6.Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7.Ensure environmental Sustainability 8.Develop a global partnership for development

8 The MDGs (2) MDGs for improving the human condition by 2015 are derived from the MD In September 2005, world leaders reviewed progress towards the fulfillment of the MD, including the MDGs, and the way forward for their achievement by 2015

9 MDGs: why do they matter? The first set of quantitative and time- bound goals shared by developing and developed countries Offer an integrated, goal-oriented framework for poverty reduction Form the basis on which to mobilize resources for investing in human development Provide a platform for the UN system to use neutrality and influence to advocate for change

10 No reliable and comparable data 199020002015 Progress in the ‘90s 40%

11 How much will MDGs cost? The UN Millennium Project estimates that costs for meeting the MDGs in all countries are on the order of $121 billion in 2006, rising to $189 billion in 2015 Target of 0,7% of donor GNP Additional aid alone is not enough; policy reform and improving service delivery are also required Countries need detailed and rigorous development strategies for achieving the MDGs

12 MDG and the ILO Mainstreaming the goal of full and productive employment and Decent Work for all into the regular activities of all relevant UN organizations (MDG and UNDAF-United Nations Development Assistance Framework) Policy dialogue within the multilateral system including the Bretton Woods Institutions (PRSP) and the social dimension of Decent Work

13 THE ILO AGENDA Decent Work agenda World Commission on the Social dimension of globalisation

14 THE DECENT WORK AGENDA: The role of the ILO to enhance the four dimension of Decent Work –ILS and Workers’ rights –Employment –Social protection for all –Social Dialogue Gender mainstreaming

15 MDG and the ILO Global jobs crisis that calls for a global response. More than 20 per cent increase in official unemployment in the last ten years and the accompanying growth of informal work. 430 million net increase in the global labour force in the next ten years. Youth in all countries – who have unemployment rates two to four times higher than adults –

16 The role of the ILO First, value work. Prevailing policies in the last decades have tended to consider job creation as an outcome of macro policies, rather than a specific objective in itself. The present model of globalization has forgotten these values. Second, acknowledge the political urgency to act. As every politician knows, having opportunities for decent work is the most widespread democratic demand in the world today.

17 The role of the ILO Third, the diversity of work is almost infinite, but all countries have decent work challenges. To build common elements of a labor policy framework productive employment and enterprise development with social protection, labour standards and social dialogue – with gender equality crosscutting all issues. Tripartism: strengthen the cooperation between employers’ organizations, trade unions and government

18 The role of the ILO Fourth, we need much better policies to promote local and community development by expanding local markets and capacities. Fifth, we need much greater cooperation among international organizations of the multilateral system.

19 The Agenda Ahead No single international organization or single government can put in place, on its own, the policies conducive to generating full and productive employment and decent work for all. The ILO, as the world’s “decent work agency” have a major responsibility in developing policy framework to focus on the global goal of decent work with the four pillars’ strategy – jobs, rights, social protection and dialogue – Support national / international frameworks such as UNDAF and PRSP Decent work opportunities for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals

20 The ILO Agenda Ahead Embedding Decent Work in the MDG


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