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Chapter 4: Service Delivery (Infrastructure) 1.Access to Special Education Services 2.Delivery of Services 3.Starting services 4. The Service Providers.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4: Service Delivery (Infrastructure) 1.Access to Special Education Services 2.Delivery of Services 3.Starting services 4. The Service Providers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4: Service Delivery (Infrastructure) 1.Access to Special Education Services 2.Delivery of Services 3.Starting services 4. The Service Providers

2 Accessing Services: Referral Process 5 Step Process 1) Know student who may need programs or services 2)Discuss student with S.E.R.T. (special education resource teacher) 3. Discuss student with S.B.T. ( I.S.T. /L.S.T.) I.E.P may be developed at this stage 4) Maybe ( if warranted) refer to I.P.R.C. 5) Adjust placement and implement I.E.P.

3 The I.E.P. Process 5 Steps 1.Gather Information from teachers and parents: assessment data, observations, concerns 2 Set the Direction -Principal assigns roles and responsibilities for the process- “Who’s on First?” 3 Develop the I.E.P. : Programs and Services must spelled out clearly. 4 Implement the I.E.P. - Just “Do IT”!!) 5 Review it -update it - Once per term at Report Card time

4 Delivery of Special Ed. Services Services must be delivered in the L.R.E.- Least Restrictive Environment) Starts with: 1.Regular class with Indirect Support 2.Resource Assistance 3.Regular Class/ Withdrawal for Assistance 4.Part time Regular class/Part time self contained class 5.Full Time Self Contained Class 6.Special Schools - Provincial Schools, Section 23 Classrooms,Hospital School

5 Service Delivery- continued Range of settings from least restrictive ( full inclusion ) to most restrictive (special congregated class) Special class placements must be duration specific and intervention specific and have parental support and permission. Inclusion versus Range of Settings- even the “die hards” have come to recognize we need both

6 The Cascade Model

7 Getting Special Ed. Services Started Situation 1: -Simple and easy -No IPRC needed - Services are determined through consultation and discussion between classroom teacher and SERT

8 Getting Special Ed. Services Started Situation 2 No IPRC Same as situation 1 but involves School Team ( LRT, SBT, IST) IEP is developed and implemented

9 Getting Special Ed. Services Started Situation 3 Teacher / Parent /SERT refer student to SBT(IST, LST) Principal calls for an I.P.R.C. I.P.R.Committee meets and may formally identify the student 2 “Determinations” are made A) Exceptionality of the student (yes/no) and B) Placement--where the program will take place Student starts in placement and IEP is developed within 30 school days. (October 15 in new school years)

10 The Service Providers Classroom teachers Educational Assistants Special Education Assistants Special Education Consultants Resources to Service Providers Principals Parents School Teams Advisory and Advocacy Groups ( e.g. L.D.A.O) Social Agencies (counselling, treatment programs) Specialists (pediatricians, psychologists, SLP’s etc.)

11 The TEAM Approach The School Team - Problem Solving approach using in-school personnel: “More heads are better than one”! Meets regularly in school time (usually weekly) The Multi-Disciplinary Team -Assessment and data gathering for problem solving and further referral to other specialists -Meets when called in to assist by Principal (monthly or on an as needed basis) -Consists of other professionals, including outside of education ( psychology, medicine, etc) “It takes a whole village to educate a child.”

12 The Role of the Educational Assistant How do we love thee? Let us count the ways! At your tables discuss and brainstorm different ways you have seen E A’s used in the schools you have been to.

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