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Chapter 4 Training and Conditioning Principles of conditioning –Warm-up and cool-down –Motivation –Overload (SAID) –Consistency –Progression –Intensity.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Training and Conditioning Principles of conditioning –Warm-up and cool-down –Motivation –Overload (SAID) –Consistency –Progression –Intensity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Training and Conditioning Principles of conditioning –Warm-up and cool-down –Motivation –Overload (SAID) –Consistency –Progression –Intensity –Specificity –Individuality –Minimize stress –Safety

2 Flexibility and Stretching Limited by??? Agonist vs antagonist Types of stretching techniques –Ballistic –Static –PNF Slow-reversal-hold-relax Contract-relax Hold-relax

3 Neurophysiologic Basis of Stretching Stretch Reflex –Muscle spindles

4 Muscle Spindle Extrafusal vs. Intrafusal fibers extrafusal = skeletal muscle fibers intrafusal = muscle spindle fibers Detects length and rate of length

5 Muscle Spindles Intrafusal fibers –located within muscle belly –stretching a muscle also stretches the muscle spindle –most sensitive to rapid stretching

6 Golgi Tendon Organ –located within tendons –Sensitive to excessive tension due to stretch –Most sensitive to excessive tension due to muscle contraction –excessive tension will cause a reflexive inhibition

7 Type of muscle contraction Eccentric Concentric Isometric Econcentric

8 Strength, Power, Endurance Strength determined by: –Muscle fiber number/size –Neuromuscular efficiency –Biomechanical factors Increased strength due to?

9 Types of Resistance Training Isometric Isotonic Isokinetic Circuit training Plyometric

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