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Just Dance on Wii. Aims and objectives: * One main theme (dance) aimed at KS2 connecting the subjects below: * Core subjects: Literacy and Science * Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "Just Dance on Wii. Aims and objectives: * One main theme (dance) aimed at KS2 connecting the subjects below: * Core subjects: Literacy and Science * Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just Dance on Wii

2 Aims and objectives: * One main theme (dance) aimed at KS2 connecting the subjects below: * Core subjects: Literacy and Science * Foundation subjects: P.E, Music, History, R.E, Art/D.T, I.C.T. * Individual and Team Work * Resources

3 Alternative Aims/Outcomes: - leading to a school performance

4 Aimed at KS2: Why? * Content can go into depth * Comprehension * Independent but scaffolded work

5 ICT (Starter): Obj: Introduction to Just Dance 4 * Inclusion of all students - dance and singing * Key motor skills and coordination * Create dance using 'pivot sticks' * Just Dance on the iPad - creates own sequence.

6 Core subject curriculum links: Literacy - Written movement instructions/communication skills, persuasive writing to involve others in dance. Science - Pulse and body parts (use of muscles).

7 Foundation Subject Links: P.E. - movement exploration, create, practice, perform Music - Create a sound scape, develop and explore sounds, rhythm and beats, timings.

8 Foundation Curriculum Links: Humanities: - Exploring and researching different dance cultures - using different methods of research. - Rehearsing the cultural dance. - Discovering the history of dance. - Defining Dance. - Exploring the location of dance on a map.

9 Foundation Curriculum Links: Art / D.T. - Creating dance costume. -Creating cultural masks -Creating scenery back drops

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