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Indiana Career Pathways. Career Pathway - A set of defined experiences (K-16) which help students gain self knowledge, explore educational and career.

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Presentation on theme: "Indiana Career Pathways. Career Pathway - A set of defined experiences (K-16) which help students gain self knowledge, explore educational and career."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indiana Career Pathways

2 Career Pathway - A set of defined experiences (K-16) which help students gain self knowledge, explore educational and career options, narrow down their career interests, make plans for the future, prepare for employment, and ultimately secure meaningful employment. Career Cluster – A group of related occupations Career Major – The career cluster which a student would like to further explore by taking related high school courses and applying academic content within that career cluster. Terminology

3 12 11 10 9 HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE RELATED TO THE CAREER MAJOR CAREER PLAN GRADES K - 8 GUIDANCE Self Knowledge Exploration Planning RIGOROUS ACADEMICS Indiana Academic Standards GQE, ICTA, SAT, ACT, ASVAB Career School College Appren- ticeship Community College MilitaryWorkforce Graduation Req Core 40 Req Honors Req NCAA Req Postsec. Req 8 ASSESSMENTS: CAREER PATHWAYS INDIANA

4 Name:Cheryl Smith Career Major:Health Services Postsecondary Educational Plan: Career Development Plan Possible Occupation Education RequiredPossible Institutions Medical AssistantCertificateMiller’s Merry Manor Nursing Supervisor4-yr CollegeIndiana University Valparaiso University 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Job Shadow Interest Inventory Cluster Field Trips Job Shadow Interest Inventory Cluster Field Trips Summer Job Interest Interview Occupational Service Summer Job Interest Interview Internship Continued... Career Plan - Sample

5 High School Course Plan: Postsecondary Transition Plan: 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Academic English Algebra II Biology W. History Spanish I English Geometry Chemistry I W. Geography Spanish II English Geometry Chemistry II U.S. History Spanish III English Pre Calculus Physics Govt / Econ Spanish IV Career Prep & Grad Req Physical Ed. Human Studies I Health/CompAp Human Studies II Anatom / Physio Medical Careers Health Internship “ 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Campus Visits Take PLAN (pre ACT) Campus Visits Take PSAT, SAT & ACT Save $$ - summer job Campus Visits Submit Aps - Nov Submit FAFSA – Mar 1 Save $$ - summer job Career Plan – Sample (cont)

6 Alg Geom Alg II Pre- Calc Eng Gov Econ US Hist Soc PEHlth Bio Chem Phy sics For Lang Chor us For Lang Food Tex- tiles Photo graph Wght Lift Tchr Aid Intro Bus Study Hall For Lang Fine Arts SOCMTHFLSCIELECENGELEC 9 TH GRADE 10 TH GRADE 11 TH GRADE 12 TH GRADE Hodge-Podge 4-Yr Plan

7 Alg Geom Alg II Pre- Calc Eng Gov Econ US Hist Soc PEHlth Bio Chem Phy sics For Lang Com- munic For Lang Tech Sys Trans porta Manu factur Engineering Internship Design Proc CAD For Lang Fine Arts SOCMTHFLSCI CAREER MAJOR ENG CAREER ELECT 9 TH GRADE 10 TH GRADE 11 TH GRADE 12 TH GRADE Engineering Career Major 4-Yr Plan

8 Alg Geom Alg II Pre- Calc Eng Gov Econ For Lang US Hist PE Bio Chem For Lang Health Physic AREA CAREER CENTER DRAFTING For Lang SOCMTHFLSCI CAREER MAJOR ENG CAREER ELECT 9 TH GRADE 10 TH GRADE 11 TH GRADE 12 TH GRADE Engineering World Hist Art Career Major With Area Career Center

9 Alg Geom Alg II Pre- Calc Eng Gov Econ US Hist Soc PE Hlth Bio Chem Phy sics For Lang Com mun For Lang Tech Sys Trans port Manu Engineering Internship Design Proc CAD For Lang Fine Arts SOCFL SCI ENGINEERING CAREER ACADEMY 9 TH GRADE 10 TH GRADE 11 TH GRADE 12 TH GRADE Engineering Career Major With Academy


11 Step 1: Involve the School and Community Establish a Career Majors Steering Team HS Administrator HS Counselor HS Academic Teacher HS Vocational Teacher HS Parent HS Student MS Administrator MS Counselor Business Reps Establish a Career MajorsCommunity Advisory Council ALL STAKEHOLDERS Academic teachers Vocational teachers Business reps Parents Students Community members Clergy

12  What are your student’s career interests  For which labor market are we preparing our students?  local  national  state  global  Within that labor market, which career clusters are high demand, low supply, and high skill? Step 2: Know Your Students and Community

13  Review student interests & labor market  Review career clusters:  Select career majors which support:  student interests  labor market trends Step 3: Identify Career Majors

14 01 Agriculture and Natural Resources 02 Art, Media and Communications 03 Engineering, Science, and Technology 04 Manufacturing and Processing 05 Mechanical Repair and Precision Crafts 06 Business, Management & Finance 07 Building and Construction 08 Educational Services 09 Health Services 10 Personal and Commercial Services 11 Legal, Social and Recreation Services 12 Protective Services 13 Marketing, Sales and Promotion 14 Transportation Indiana Career Clusters

15 “Great Eight” Education Government / Legal Art / Design / Communication Social / Personal Services Natural Sciences / Resource Management Manufacturing Engineering / Construction Business Common Combined Clusters

16 COIN 1.Manufacturing 2.Business 3.Personal Service 4.Education 5.Sales 6.Construction 7.Transportation 8.Agriculture 9.Repairers and Mechanics 10.Health 11.Social Science 12.Design, Commun- ication & Art 13.Science and Technical ACT (Plan) 1.Social Service 2.Business Contact 3.Business Oper- ations 4.Technical 5.Science 6.Arts CAREERWARE (Choices) 1.Arts and Communication 2.Business, Information Management, and Marketing 3.Health and Related Services 4.Social and Human Services 5.Engineering and Industrial Technologies 6.Agriculture and Natural Resources Commercial Clusters

17 WHICH MAJOR TO IMPLEMENT FIRST Consider the resources you have or need:  faculty  business / industry involvement  instructional materials  area vocational school programs Step 4: Stepped Implementation

18 INSTRUCTION  career applications for academic content  academic – vocational integration  team teaching (academic + vocational)  project-based instruction  career academies STRUCTURES  block scheduling  master schedule “friendly” to career pathways Step 5: Supportive Programs and Structures

19  Summer Work Experiences  Job Shadowing Experiences  Internship Experiences  Community mentors  4-Year Course Plan Step 6: Create Recommended HS Experiences

20 Recommended 4-Yr High School Course Plans  Academic course sequence  Vocational course sequence  Graduation requirements  Indiana Core 40 requirements  Indiana Academic Honors Diploma requirements  Postsecondary admissions requirements  NCAA eligibility requirements  Industry certification requirements Items to Include in Each Recommended Course Sequence



23 Step 7: Develop a Guidance System Guidance for ALL KIDS

24 SELF KNOWLEDGE  All students will identify their career interests area(s).  All students will identify their career aptitude(s). EXPLORATION  All students will state the high school’s graduation requirements, Core 40 requirements, and Honors Diploma requirements.  All students will describe a variety of types of postsecondary education opportunities including their admission requirements.  All students will describe six career clusters in detail.  All students will describe current labor market trends. PLANNING  All students will identify a high school career major which matches their career interests and aptitudes.  All students will create a flexible career plan.  All students will create a flexible high school course plan. Sample Guidance Competencies

25 SELF KNOWLEDGE Understand of their personal: Learning style Career interests Career aptitudes Career preferences Standardized tests scores EXPLORATION Be knowledgeable of: Career clusters Demand, supply, wage, skill as job descriptors. Graduation & various diploma requirements Postsecondary education options & admissions requirements Area career center Labor market trends Global economy Financial aid PLANNING Develop a Career Plan including: Career major Possible occupation occupations Possible postsecondary education options 4-Yr high school course plan * Education and career exploration plan * Transition plan * * All plans are flexible Competencies – Prior to Developing a Career Plan

26 School Counselors Classroom Teachers Teacher Advisors Community Members Systemic Implementation

27 MATH Graphing GPA’s Cost Comp – Post HS ENGLISH Info Interview - Careers Lit – Decision Making SCIENCE LAB Consensus Building Conflict Management SOC ST Anger Management Assertiveness Skills Sample Classroom Integration

28 1.I can name my career interest areas based on an interest assessment. 2.I can describe six career clusters in detail. 3.I have a 4-yr high school course plan on file with my counselor. A.Yes B.Don’t Know C.No A.Yes B.Don’t Know C.No A.Yes B.Don’t Know C.No Pre- & Post- Assessment



31 Means to explore potential college majors DOUBLE MAJOR Academic Major + Career Major Career Clusters & the College Bound

32 When students and their parents have knowledge of...  Their personal interests and aptitudes  Labor market trends / global economy  Career opportunities  Educational opportunities They make different choices! – Select more difficult courses – Work harder in school – Increase achievement Why Career Pathways?

33 The goal of career pathways is improved student achievement. In what achievement areas do you think students will improve if your career pathways are successful? Do you have baseline data in these areas? Achievement

34 Developing career pathways is a slow process that takes most schools years to accomplish. Start with the big picture. What will your whole school look like when you’re finished? Then, complete one step at a time! Change is slow...

35 Indiana Career Pathways DOING WHAT’S BEST FOR KIDS

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