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11111 22222 33333 44444 55555 Assumptions/ history theorists Key concepts Application Critical Eval.

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2 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555 Assumptions/ history theorists Key concepts Application Critical Eval

3 100 What is the behaviourist view of human nature?

4 People LEARN to making ASSOCIATIONS between two events, etc. Back

5 500 Behaviorism can be said to be a reaction to what?


7 200 Psychology should concentrate on what?

8 Observable Phenomenon Back

9 100 The inventor of the Operant Conditioning Chamber

10 Who was Skinner Back

11 400 The Father of American Behaviorism

12 William James Back

13 500 The Austrian inventor of Classical Conditioning

14 Who was John Watson Back

15 100 Used dogs and saliva to experiment with Classical conditioning?

16 Who was Pavlov Back

17 200 What is the law of effect? And who coined it?

18 Who was Thorndyke; he postulated that pleasant reinforcement would lead to a continuation of the behavior and … Back

19 100 What is operant conditioning? And who coined it

20 Skinner The use of consequences to modify the occurrence and form of behavior Back

21 400 Bandura is best known for _____

22 Social Observational Learning Back

23 100 Describe Watson’s famous experiment and its importance

24 Little Albert; conditioned response to fear all white furry things. Creates the science of Behaviorism Back

25 200 What does the neutral item always become in classical Conditioning.

26 The CS Back

27 200 In operant conditioning, bar pressing behaviour that is not ___ will undergo extinction.

28 Rewarded with a CS Back

29 400 State the two of the four reward schedules of reinforcement. Which ones will result in the steadiest rate of learning?

30 1. Fixed Interval 2. Fixed Ratio 3. Variable Interval 4. Variable Ratio VARIABLE Back

31 300 Describe the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment. State an example of each

32 Negative Reinforcement = removing an unwanted stimulus to focus on good behavior. Punishment = supplying an unwanted stimulus by focusing on the BAD behavior Back

33 300 What is a token economy?

34 Giving secondary reinforcers for good behavior as in: AA Back

35 300 What is drive reduction theory?

36 We are motivated to fix an imbalance in homeosasis Back

37 The Question

38 100 What is another (besides drive reduction) to explain motivation?

39 1. Intrinsic Motivation 2. Expectation Theory 3. Cognitive Dissonance Theory 4. Investment Theory Back

40 500 How does skinner account for the speed with which an infant learns a language ?

41 An inherited module of the brain he called a Language Acquisition Device or L.A.D. Back

42 200 Bobby flinches every time he hears a high-pitched whining sound b/c his childhood dentist did not use novacane when drilling cavities. The high- pitched sound is NOW a: UCS, CS, CR, UCR, Neutral

43 What is a conditioned response Back

44 400 Squirrels can be taught to water ski using either operant or classical conditioning.

45 What is Operant Conditioning Back

46 300 slowing modifying behavior by getting closer and closer approximations of a desired goal behavior

47 What is Shaping Back

48 400 Learned responses in a consecutive order, each reaction signaling the start of the next behavior

49 What is Chaining Back

50 400 A child imitates (w/o being told) a parent’s behavior?

51 What is Modeling Back

52 A slot machine is an example of this type of reinforcement schedule.

53 What is variable ratio Back

54 Place your wagers!! Back

55 State 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses aspects of Behaviourism. Back

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