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Hot seating Role play & Drama Decision making games Living graphs I pad Ambassadors.

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1 Hot seating Role play & Drama Decision making games Living graphs I pad Ambassadors

2 Pupils are given a number of possibilities around a given topic and they have to decide how to prioritise them. Students have to devise a re enactment of a process, text or event. Pupils with knowledge of a subject or topic sit at the front and are interviewed by the rest of the class. Members of a group become experts and move to teach other groups the key information. Facilities on IPAD include immediate capture photograph and or video. 4 pics one word app Pupils place or create statements that can be applied to various stages of a graph, continuum or process.

3 Mini white boardsGames Songs Limericks and riddles PoetryConversion

4 Pupils to create a memorable song or rap to the melody of a well know song. Various traditional games such as: Blind date Charades Price is right Generation game Taboo Pictionary Snakes and Ladders Students use white boards to express their thoughts, answers or questions quickly. E.g. Text > picture Picture >action Picture > text Music > picture Music > text Pupils can either write poetry or act out/read out various lines. Students devise humorous riddles or limericks about a given topic.

5 DominosMarketplaceFreeze frame Debate and Silent debate Mirror image Verbal Tennis

6 Pupils are given a scenario or event. They have to use body language and facial expression to create a still image. Students are given information in groups to teach. They have to convert information. Some pupils them stay at the ‘market stall’ to teach whilst other go and gather information. All pupils them sit a test on the entire topic. Students are given a process or sentences that are split into top and tails (beginning and end). They then match the beginning and end to make the entire process. One pupil begins with a word or sentence then says the name of another student who must follow with an associated word or phrase. This is then passed on around the whole class or even in pairs. Pupils are given a photograph or an image and have to pose as people in the photograph. They can then respond to questions from the class as if they were that person. Students are pitched against each other to argue about a given question. They have to create an opening argument and then a number of supported statements. Silent debate involves statement written on paper and students respond by writing.

7 Treasure Hunt Pass the Buck Modelling Assigning roles Circus TimePaper Chains

8 Various material such as Play-Doh can be used to model a process or an event. Other pupils have to guess what is being represented and analyse the models details. In pairs students work on an answer to a question about a given topic. After five minutes pairs swap questions and then add to another answer. This can be repeated. Students create a series of clues and hidden objects to create a hunt. They can also design their own maps. Students are given designated roles such as: Performer, Leader, Observer, Scribe, Timekeeper. Roles can be named after X-Factor judges or similar to make it relevant to them. Various activity stations are set up around the room. A central wall chart is created so that all pupils can see their progress on each activity as they move between them. Literacy and assessment of prior knowledge. Choose a topic and a bank of words associated with the topic as a team create the longest paper chain in a set period of time e.g. 5 mins.

9 Visualisation/ snap shot Collaborative writing Thought tapping MimeAlter ego Forum theatre

10 While in role, pupils speak aloud private thoughts, feelings and reactions. The teacher freezes an improvisation or scripted piece and activates an individual’s thoughts by tapping them lightly on the shoulder. Speaking to facilitate composition. Discussing writing in pairs and small groups prompts oral drafting as pupils suggest, modify, confirm, justify, improve and refine their ideas together. Writers encouraged to visualise their writing as a mental image or as a sequence of stills. One group acts out a scene or situation in front of the others, who surround them in a circle. Those watching in the circle are able to stop the action and make suggestions for improvement, possibly by demonstration, before the action proceeds. Groups act as ‘thoughts in the head’ and offer advice to a character at a critical moment. Pupils show or interpret a key moment, theme or idea using exaggerated gesture and facial expression but no speech.

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