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Intercultural Communication. What is Communication? TTTTransmission and reception of meaning through the manipulation of symbols, language and context.

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Presentation on theme: "Intercultural Communication. What is Communication? TTTTransmission and reception of meaning through the manipulation of symbols, language and context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intercultural Communication

2 What is Communication? TTTTransmission and reception of meaning through the manipulation of symbols, language and context IIIIt involves a sender who encodes a message and a receiver who decodes the message

3 Types of Communication IIIInterpersonal Communication (Dyad) IIIIntrapersonal Communication (Within) MMMMass Communication GGGGroup Communication PPPPublic Communication BBBBusiness Communication IIIIntra-cultural Communication IIIIntercultural/International Communication

4 Media of Communication  Face-to-Face  Telephone  Broadcast Media  Verbal  Non-verbal  Digital Which other media of communication can you identify?

5 Communicating Across Cultures: Case Studies  Antonio and Tammy  Mariko  Roger What can we say about verbal and non- verbal cues, assumptions/values, styles commonalities and differences between these individuals? What can we say about verbal and non- verbal cues, assumptions/values, styles commonalities and differences between these individuals?

6 Why Intercultural Communication Competence  An increasingly diverse and integrated world  Work-place harmony  Peace and security in the world  Globalization  Non-verbal cues differ from culture to culture (e.g. facial expressions etc)  Pace of Communication (Talk over each other or take turns?)

7 Tips for Int. Comm.  Platinum rule mindset: Treat others the way they want to be treated; be aware of and sensitive to other cultures  Maintain an open mind: Don’t rush to judgment; things are not always the way they seem  Put yourself in other people’s shoes!

8 Bases of Cultural Discontinuities  Languages/Dialects/Idiolects (English is a diverse language!)  Collectivity Vs The Individual  Empiricism Vs Intuition  Spontaneous Vs. Structured  Transactional Vs. Relational  Continuous Vs. Specific Timing  Egalitarian Vs Hierarchical How emotional can you get?

9 Skills for a Diverse World  Active listening promotes understanding and mutual respect  Ask probing questions to clarify meaning  Learn/adopt a language  Address challenges with communication  Speak clearly and slowly when addressing people from other cultures/background  Stay positive; Smile a lot!

10 Conclusion  Comments  Questions

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