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FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America EELA: E-Infrastructure shared between Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America EELA: E-Infrastructure shared between Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America EELA: E-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Antonio Juan Rubio Montero CIEMAT Quinta Reunión de la Red Temática en Grid Middleware Granada, Spain, November 13 th, 2006

2 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 20062 The Objectives The Consortium Budget and Human Resources The Structure Work Packages –WP1. Project administrative and technical management –WP2. Pilot testbed operation and support –WP3. Identification and support of Grid enhanced applications –WP4. Dissemination activities Summary and conclusions OUTLINE

3 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 20063 Main purposes: –Build a bridge between consolidated e-Infrastructure initiatives in Europe and emerging ones in Latin America –Reinforce collaboration between Latin America and Europe Objective 1: Establish a human collaboration network between Europe and Latin America: –Setting up the structure of the collaboration network –Establishing adequate support mechanisms –Adopting policies regarding the shared use of e-Infrastructure –Evaluating new areas of collaboration and relevant partners, both in Europe and Latin America OBJECTIVES

4 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 20064 Objective 2: Build a pilot e-Infrastructure in Latin America: –Implementing basic mechanisms for an interoperable e-Infrastructure –Adopting a security policy and establishing Certification Authorities –Setting up a Pilot Testbed and defining basic tools middleware –Establishing Virtual Organizations and supporting application developers and users –Supporting advanced network services Objective 3: Promote a sustainable framework for e-Science: –Identifying research communities and applications –Supporting dissemination efforts –Coordinating participation in possible new projects –Defining a map for a future consolidated e-Infrastructure in LA OBJECTIVES

5 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 20065 –EUROPE  Italy:INFN  Portugal:LIP  Spain:CIEMAT(coordinator), CSIC, RED.ES, UC, UPV –INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS  CERN  CLARA –LATIN AMERICA  Argentina:UNLP  Brazil:CECIERJ/CEDERJ, RNP, UFF, UFRJ  Chile:REUNA, UDEC, UTFSM  Cuba:CUBAENERGIA  Mexico:UNAM  Peru:SENAMHI  Venezuela:ULA PARTNERS

6 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 20066 BUDGET (Contract Signature December 12 th, 2005) From January 1 st 2006 to December 31 th 2007 Total Budget:2568.32 K€ EC contribution:1700.00 K€ Special CIEMAT funds for LA: 400.00 K€ Partners contribution: 468.32 K€

7 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 20067 HUMAN RESOURCES WP No Work package title Lead contractor Person- months Deliverable No 1 Project administrative and technical management CIEMAT 297 2 Pilot Testbed Operation and Support UFRJ 29712 3 Identification and support of grid enhanced applications CIEMAT 5768 4 Dissemination activities INFN 20711 TOTAL 1109

8 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 20068 STRUCTURE

9 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 20069 WP1: Project administrative and technical management –Manager: CIEMAT –Interacts with European Commission –In charge of the financial and administrative parts of the project  Distributes EC funds amongst the partners  Controls budget and audits  Assisted by the legal advisor of CIEMAT –Elaborates technical documents, deliverables and reports –EELA Web Site: share technical and administrative information  Mailing lists  Event agenda (INDICO)  Support System –Events Organization, participation in Conferences, Workshops… WORK PACKAGE 1

10 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200610 WP1:

11 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200611 WP2: Pilot testbed operation and support –Manager: UFRJ –Establishes a common interoperable Grid testbed between existing resources in Latin America and Europe. –GÉANT, RedCLARA and European and Latin American NRENs will provide the network infrastructure Task 2.1 (Coordination of e-Infrastructure : Operation Management Team) –UFRJ (Leader), CERN, CLARA, CIEMAT, CSIC, LIP, RED.ES, REUNA, UFF –Coordination amongst all WP2 tasks and local Grid initiatives. Task 2.2: Certification Authorities and Virtual Organizations –LIP (Leader), CERN, CSIC, RED.ES, REUNA, UFF –4 new LA Certification Authorities accredited (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico). And 1 more in process (Venezuela). –Accepted by the EUGridPMA –2 VOMS servers deployed (LIP-PORTUGAL and UFRJ-BRAZIL) –Support for dissemination and application users (HelpDesk, Portals,…) WORK PACKAGE 2

12 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200612 WP2 - Task 2.3: Pilot Testbed Operations –UFRJ (Leader), CERN, CIEMAT, CSIC, LIP, REUNA, UFF –Identifies new sites for integration in the Testbed –GOC at UFRJ (BRAZIL) –7 Resource Centres integrated (the goal was 3 RC) –58% of the Committed Computing Power already available in 9 institutions WORK PACKAGE 2

13 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200613 WORK PACKAGE 2 WP2 - Task 2.4: Network Support and Operation –CLARA, RED.ES, RNP (unfunded partner) –Continuous surveying and upgrading of network service offerings by RedCLARA and LA-NRENs –Definition of network services through standard modelling processes –Study of operational procedures at Network Operation Centre in CLARA –Introduction of the means for exercise of quality control of network services –Interactions with EGEE activities SA2 and JRA4 and with the Joint Research Programme of GEANT2

14 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200614 WP2: EELA e-Infrastructure

15 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200615 WP3: Identification and support of Grid enhanced applications –Manager: CIEMAT –Identifies, selects and customizes relevant applications and tools suitable to be executed on the Grid. –Deployment of pre-existing EGEE applications  Biomedicine  HEP –Integration of new applications in the EELA infrastructure  E-Learning  Climate  Others… (volcano sonifications) WORK PACKAGE 3

16 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200616 WP3 - Task 3.1: Biomedical Applications –UPV (Leader), CUBAENERGIA, UFRJ, ULA –Bioinformatics Applications  BLAST in Grids (BiG). BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) Identify Compatible Protein and Nucleotide Sequences in Protein and DNA Databases Users Access the Service Through a Web Portal. Access to the EELA Grid is Performed Through the Gate-to-Grid. Gate-to-Grid is an EELA Grid Node Which Provides a WSRF-Based Web Interface. Tests Have Been Performed Successfully on a Dataset of Around 3000 Sequences of the Plasmodium Falciparum.  Phylogeny (similar Gridification process than BiG) A Phylogeny is a Reconstruction of the Evolutionary History of a Group of Organisms. Applications: Gene Function Prediction, Drug Discovery and Conservation Biology. WORK PACKAGE 3

17 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200617 –Computational Biochemical Processes  Wide in-Silico Docking on Malaria (WISDOM). An Experiment has Been Prepared Jointly by UPV and ULA. oTwo targets in Plasmodium vivax Malaria are now being dock in the WISDOM-DC II UPV is Docking Operator and several EELA sites are donor of resources Next Steps will be: oSet ULA as Docking Operator. oInclusion of New Targets in New Data Challenges. –Biomedical Models  GEANT4 Application for Tomographic Emission (GATE) Focused on Thyroid Cancer and Treatment of Metastasis with P 32. 9 centers in Cuba are Interested (5 Hospitals and 4 Oncological Centers and Institutions) WORK PACKAGE 3

18 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200618 WP3 - Task 3.2: High Energy Physics Applications –UNAM (Leader), UFRJ, UNLP, UTFSM –Initial LHC applications deployed  ALICE: Heavy ion physics at LHC CIEMAT, INFN and UNAM  LHCb: B physics at LHC CIEMAT, INFN and UFRJ –Other LHC applications to be deployed  ATLAS: CIEMAT, UFRJ, UNLP and UTFSM  CMS (CIEMAT, has LA participants in EELA member countries, but no EELA partner from LA) –New projects  Pierre Auger Observatory UFRJ, UNAM, and UNLP, others in EGEE or partner projects WORK PACKAGE 3

19 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200619 WP3 - Task 3.3: Additional Applications (Education in the Grid Environment) –CEDERJ (Leader), CIEMAT, CUBAENERGIA, UNAM, UFRJ –E-Learning (selected applications)  VoD-RemoteLab: Video streaming from data stored in SEs by Multimedia server. Classes Backup and integration with Remote Lab  SATyrus, SATisfiability-based, neuro-symbolic architecture for optimun formulation synthesizer  LEMDist  ACADIA  CuGfL, Cuban Grid for Learning  PILP,ParallelInductive Logic Programming. WORK PACKAGE 3

20 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200620 WP3 - Task 3.3: Additional Applications (Climate in the Grid Environment and other forecasting applications) –CEDERJ (Leader), UC, UDEC, SENAMHI –Volcano Sonifications ( Domenico Vicinanza, CERN)  Currently no definitive method to predict the eruption of a volcano has been discovered or implemented yet.  Scientists monitor seismic waves and the intensity of a specific type of quake (harmonic tremors) in the run up to eruptions. changes in the shape of the volcano or concentrations of gases emitted.  By correlating spectra and melodies with precise stages of volcanic activity we hope to discover a sort of “signature tune” of an imminent eruption or earthquake. WORK PACKAGE 3

21 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200621 –Climate applications CAM/CCM3 (at SENAMHI) –Global Climate Atmospheric Model. –This model simulates the evolution of the climate globally at a resolution of 100-300 km, starting with the present sea surface temperature conditions and returns the atmospheric evolution (temperature, humidity, etc.) MM5/WRF (at UdeC) –Regional atmospheric model. –Over a reduced area (1-10 km), taking boundary conditions of nearest regions SOM (at UC) –Data minig clustering algorithm from the CROSSGRID project using MPI. –The application maps atmospheric configurations to find weather types They will be run separately be each partner on their own site. After they will be run in the Grid in a cascade way: CAM  MM5  SOM WORK PACKAGE 3

22 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200622 WP4: Dissemination activities –Manager: INFN –INFN GILDA as strategic tool, already used in EGEE –Introduce state of the art grid technologies and services to international community of users –Bring more LA and EU groups into EELA WORK PACKAGE 4

23 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200623 WP4 - Task 4.1: Dissemination –CLARA (Leader), CIEMAT, CEDERJ, CUBAENERGIA, CSIC, INFN, RED.ES, SENAMHI, UDEC, ULA, UNAM, UNLP, UPV, UFTSM –Provide general picture of EELA –Disseminate the purposes and benefits of Grid computing and of joining or using the EELA Grid infrastructure –Define the dissemination methods and message content for reaching each community –Provide dissemination materials adapted to the target audiences and make them available –Inform the scientific communities on how to get involved in the project –Direct potential users so that they may become EELA users –Keep the communities informed of new improvements and functionalities WORK PACKAGE 4

24 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200624 WP4 - Task 4.2: Knowledge Dissemination –Participants: INFN (Leader), CERN, CSIC, ULA –Provide a deep technical information to potential users –Allow potential users to learn, practice and experiment, using GILDA –Permit potential users to assess the power of the grid –Prepare the necessary knowledge to enable new users to start using the grid in the best possible way –Keep the users aware of new improvements and functionalities by means of well-suited tutorials –Provide advanced training to experienced users and administrators –Supply special knowledge to site administrators, VO managers, security contacts, developers and other technical personnel WORK PACKAGE 4

25 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200625 WORK PACKAGE 4 –2 WORKSHOPS (Mérida - Venezuela ; Itacuruçá - Brazil) –1 CONFERENCE (Santiago de Chile)  138 participants from 16 countries –7 TUTORIALS  For users (total # of participants: 122) Mérida - Venezuela(April 27-29, 2006) Santiago de Chile(September 6-7, 2006) Mérida – Spain(November 7-9, 2006)  For users and system administrators (total # of participants: 49) Madrid - Spain(February 20-24, 2006) Itacuruçá - Brazil(June 26-30, 2006) Mexico City – Mexico(August 28 – September 1, 2006) Madrid – Spain(October 16 20, 2006) –EELA Grid School ( Itacuruçá – Brazil, December 04-15, 2006)

26 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200626 WORK PACKAGE 4 More than 837 participants·days delivered so far !

27 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200627 The “Global” Grid coverage EUIndiaGrid EUMedGrid SEE-GRID-2 EELA BalticGrid EUChinaGrid OSG NAREGI Other projects EU projects EGEE-2

28 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5ª Reunión Red Temática en Grid Middleware, Granada, Nov.13 th, 200628 Summary and Conclusions EELA is a concrete reality and represents the first step to bridge EU and LA in e-Science exploiting GEANT2 and RedCLARA networks. The EELA workplan is very challenging but holds the promise to alleviate the digital divide in Latin America. EELA is a part of the global Grid and needs a robust collaboration with similar projects EELA is open to all interested project willing to collaborate. Let’s use this conference as a very good occasion to get together, discuss problems, and identify possible synergies.

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