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Prof. Dr. Harun Raşit UYSAL Ege University Tire Kutsan Vocational High School European and Turkish dairy sector: Traditional dairy products at a glance.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Dr. Harun Raşit UYSAL Ege University Tire Kutsan Vocational High School European and Turkish dairy sector: Traditional dairy products at a glance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Dr. Harun Raşit UYSAL Ege University Tire Kutsan Vocational High School European and Turkish dairy sector: Traditional dairy products at a glance 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology Las Vegas

2 REPULIC OF TURKEY Population: 77.804.122 Most Populous City: Istanbul Goverment: Parliamentary Democracy Offical Language: Turkish TURKEY AT A GLANCE

3  Agricultural product of Turkey valued 62 billion $  This value made Turkey seventh of scale in the world  The balance between export and import in agricultural and food industry is in favor of export with 4.5 billion $  Turkish dairy sector’value is the first in food sector  Raw milk production shows the same situation in the livestock Agriculture in TURKEY

4 Livestock Holding Total Livestock in 2013 53.042.643 Heads YearCattleBuffalo Total Bovine Animals SheepGoat Total Sheep and Goat 200910.723.95887.20710.811.16521.749.5085.128.28526.877.793 201011.369.80084.72611.454.52623.089.6916.293.23329.382.924 201112.386.33797.63212.483.96925.031.5657.277.95332.309.518 201213.914.912107.43514.022.34727.425.2338.357.28635.782.519 201314.415.257117.59114.532.84829.284.2479.225.54838.509.795

5 Milking Animals Population growth rate for total milking animals between 2009-2013: 55 % Year/HeadCowSheepGoatBuffaloTotal 20094.133.1489.407.8661.830.81432.36115.404.189 20104.384.13010.583.6082.582.53935.72617.563.350 20114.761.14211.561.1443.033.11140.21819.395.615 20125.431.40013.068.4283.502.27238.20522.040.305 20135.607.27214.287.2373.943.31851.94023.889.767

6 TheSupply ofRawmilk Cottages CooperativesMerchaits Farms Cooling Center Transfer Production

7 MilkProductioninTurkey(milliontonnes) Milk production increase rate for the last 4 years 40 %

8 RegionalMilkProduction(tonnes) MostProducingProvinces Izmir, Balıkesir, Konya, Aydın, Çanakkale, Denizli, Burdur

9 LiquidMilkProduction LiquidMilkis produced UHT 90 % Pasteurised 10 % Liquid milk production growth rate between 2009-2013; 20 %

10 CheeseProduction 204 Different kind of cheese is produced Cheese production growth rate during last four years 120 % 96 % of the total production is made from cow’s milk

11 Yogurt andAyranProduction (x1000 tonnes) Yogurt production growth rate between 2009-2013: 38 % Ayran production growth rate between 2009-2013: 97 %

12 Butter, milk powder, concentrated milk production *:the first ten months period Amount (tonnes)

13 YearlyMilk/FeedPrice 1,378 1,2 0,9 0,75 0,709 0,635 0,533 0,44 0,323 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1,562 1,226 1,331 1,137 1,113 1,163 0,7637 0,707 0,825 0,543 0,6062 0,567 0,445 0,709 30,426 0,489 20062007200820092010201120122013 Feed Price0,3230,4430,5330,4260,4890,6350,7090,75 Raw Milk Price0,4450,5430,60620,5670,7640,7070,8250,9 Ratio1,3781,2261,1371,3311,5621,1131,1631,2

14 Liquid Milk Consumption per capita isestimated 33,1 kg PER CAPITA MILK CONSUMPTION IN MILK EQUIVALENT: 230 KG 2012 2013

15 Foreign Trade 282

16 Foreign Trade

17 FarmStructure FARM SIZE (HEAD)NUMBER OF FARMSSHARE IN TOTAL %COW HOLDINGS (HEAD) 1--5811,77858,742,063,726 6--9293,79921,252,095,781 10--25198,11714,352,767,188 26--4962,8584,541,812,749 50--10011,6810,84899,921 101--1992,7980,20388,490 200+1,1900,08378,959 TOTAL1,382,22110010,406,814 80 % of total farms have between 1-9 cows

18 EU Cooperatives

19 Analysis of the Sectoral Situation StrengthsWeaknesses  Loam structure  Cooperatives not sufficiently developed  Suitable climatic conditions  Unplanned  Product variety  Potential labor force  The height of Input Costs  Import OpportunitiesThreats  Strategic geographic location  Increase in migration from rural to urban  The increased importance of the food sector  Urbanization of fertile farmland  High education level

20 TRADITIONAL CHEESE TRADITIONALCHEESE (TONNES/YEAR) White TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS TOTAL PRODUCTION Cheese755 158 65 143 13 667 171 5692111 95981 1279 24171 1037 2794754 368811 Processed Cheese Precipitated Cheese Dil Cheese (Tongue) Hellim Cheese Kasar Cheese (Khasckaval) Village Type of Cheese

21 TRADITIONAL CHEESE TRADITIONALCHEESE (TONNES/YEAR) TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS TOTAL PRODUCTION 8 506 19 169 37 371 11 119.6 387388 571.9 38885 442.5 599885 11547 Moldy Cheese Lor Cheese Herby Cheese (Otlu) Mesh Cheese (Orgu) Fresh Cream Cheese Tulum Cheese (Skin) Fresh Cheese (Flavored)

22 LOCAL CHEESE (TONNES/YEAR) LOCAL CHEESE TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS TOTAL PRODUCTION 15 4 7 8 58 103 2673 2388 90,6 323 2904 2786.4 Ezine Cheese Yoruk Cheese Kolot Cheese (Golot) Maras Parmesan Cheese Antep Cheese Other Local Cheeses

23 FOREIGNSTYLE CHEESE (TONNES/YEAR) FOREI GN STYLE CHEESETOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS TOTAL PRODUCTION 1 7 5 3 13 2 18 0.0 5365 11927 3336 12702 219 10.6 4934,4 Camambert Cheese Cheddar Cheese Edam Cheese Emmental Cheese Gouda Cheese Gruyere Cheese Parmesan Cheese Mozzarella Cheese


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