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Michigan Model Nutrition Lesson 3 What is the formula for weight management?

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan Model Nutrition Lesson 3 What is the formula for weight management?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan Model Nutrition Lesson 3 What is the formula for weight management?

2 Food and beverage intake + Energy output = Weight

3 Overweight A person is considered overweight if he or she exceeds recommended weight according to a reliable height weight chart For a person their age Find your body mass (BMI) American Academy of Pediatrics (Body mass index) internet

4 Obesity Defined as being 20% or more over the recommended body weight If a person’s recommended body weight is 150 lbs and they weigh 180 lbs they are considered obese

5 Factors of Obesity Age, gender, and bone structure

6 Health issues associated with obesity?

7 Diabetes High blood pressure Chronic heart disease Cancers High cholesterol levels

8 A growing Problem Children and adolescents who are overweight or obese tend to be overweight adults A person can avoid these problems with management of weight land physical activity

9 Dangers of dieting during the teen years Lose weight too quickly can result in muscle loss instead of fat and actually increase fat Not enough calories to get good nutrition Limits the amount of food groups you are getting

10 Overweight A person is overweight if the exceed the recommended weight according to a reliable height weight chart

11 Obesity 20% or more over the recommended body weight Factors such as age, gender, muscle mass, bone structure must be considered

12 Social stigma of being overweight Subject of ridicule Denied certain jobs that require a particular appearance or size or physical prowess May suffer form low self esteem Hesitant to try new activities

13 Social Stigma

14 Appropriate caloric intake Average 15-18 year old – Female needs 2200 calories a day Average 15-18 year old – Male needs 3000 calories a day

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