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Digital Storytelling Thesis: It is good to do your required homework and practice often.

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2 Digital Storytelling Thesis: It is good to do your required homework and practice often.

3 Introduction: It is good to turn in your required homework on time. This will help you make big accomplishments and get through the year easier.

4 If you do your homework due the next day first then you won’t have as many missing assignments. It will also help you stay “up to date” with lessons in class. That can also effect the levels of stress you are having or not having.

5 You can do all sorts of homework too. Activity practice also counts as homework, but is not always required.

6 If you’ll do your chores, then you will have a clean environment to do more learning.


8 In the process of doing your homework, it makes it easier when you take assessments or tests and it helps your grade a lot.

9 One of the best parts in my opinion is getting all the good compliments and motives from your teacher and parents based on your accomplishments.

10 The final and end result of doing your homework is at the end of the year you could get in advanced classes the following year, you could get phenomenal grades, or you could get some good summer academic opportunities which could open doors.

11 Did you Know: Almost 80% of your grade is made up of homework?

12 One summer, I wasn’t very good at swimming but my mom signed me up for the swim team. Every day I came to practice and by the end of the summer I was finishing a 50’ in 58 seconds. My goal time for my first year. And now it’s still good to set goals, it helps you challenge yourself and push to get better.

13 To answer my wonder, I asked some peoples opinions on stress and some other teachers opinions too. I put one of them in my essay as one of the required parts as a “Story form someone else”: - Kate A. “Yes. Sometimes it’s the person’s own fault, if they were slacking, but sometimes the teachers just assign to much without realizing it. Sometimes, too much homework leads to the student becoming physically sick that has to do with all the stress. ”

14 Conclusion: In the end, you learn responsibility and in the process you tend to persevere. Homework can be stressful and can’t be. From most of my results, it shows that stress is not from the homework itself, but it’s the person who puts it off and has way to much homework in the end.

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