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What I have learned in 4 th grade March 2009 Morgan Hardin.

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Presentation on theme: "What I have learned in 4 th grade March 2009 Morgan Hardin."— Presentation transcript:

1 What I have learned in 4 th grade March 2009 Morgan Hardin

2 My job as a student at BIS My job as a student at BIS is to #1 learn what the teacher is teaching #2 get better at stuff and study hard #3 to get good grades and work hard

3 Ways I have helped my class run smoothly Ways I have helped my class run smoothly are #1 mind my own business and do what I am told #2 learn stuff like math and get better at it #3 have parents sign my planner and papers.

4 My strengths or things that I always do My strengths are #1 math I am good at like division and multiplication. #2 social studies like the time when they explored Oregon #3 writing I am very good at I love to free write

5 Test Scores and Grades On my ar tests for reading I got in august I got a 3.4 and now I have a 4.6 I have grown a year on reading in math in august I got a 3.0 now I have a 3.6 I have not grown a year me and Mrs.. Tennison think that I can get a whole lot better.

6 Areas I can improve Weakness My weaknesses are #1 science because it is hard to remember the thing that we did for that experiment #2 sometimes math because I am not that good at division yet #3 sometimes I struggle doing similes but I am getting better How I plan to improve I can improve by #1 ask parents to help me if I do not understand #2 ask an adult to help #3 study very hard and try my best

7 Ways my parents can help me in school #1 My mom and dad can help me by studying with me and helping me a lot more #2 my mom and dad can help me by doing races on division problems

8 Ways that Mrs. Tennison can help me with school Ways Mrs. Tennison can help me is #1 I can study with her #2 I can ask Mrs.Tennison how to do it

9 When I grow up I would like to be when I grow I want to be a veterinarian because I love animals and I like taking care of them.

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