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2 The Standards for the 21 st -Century Learner 1. inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge; 2. draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge; 3. share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society; 4. pursue personal and aesthetic growth. describe how learners use skills, resources, and tools to:

3 These standards relate to your curriculum What language? Examples: select and use appropriate technologies to gather, process, and analyze data and to report information related to an investigation (Science standards) obtaining and processing information by selecting, categorizing, and analyzing from sources (Foreign Language standard)

4 These standards relate to your curriculum Examples: apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing (Reading and writing standards) using historical information to interpret and evaluate decisions or policies regarding contemporary issues (History standards)

5 These standards relate to your curriculum Examples: - investigating the time, cost, available technology and participation requirements involved in a choice of physical activities (P.E. standards) - become mathematical problem solvers. To be problem solvers, students need to know how to find ways to reach a goal when no routine path is apparent (Math standards)

6 aka “Standards OS 1.0” The BIG6 Research Model

7 RATIONALE teach information and technology skills most widely-known and widely-used approach in the world applicable whenever people need and use information systematic process to find, use, apply, and evaluate information help students to work smarter focuses on process as well as content

8 Step 1. Task Definition 1.1 Define the information problem  Formulate the initial problem/question  Establish focus 1.2 Identify information needed  Brainstorm  Identify keywords  Explore general sources

9 What we can offer you for this step: Lesson planning Essential questions KWL chart and other graphic organizers Keyword organizers (synonyms, antonyms) Teachers’ websites Delicious (your bookmarks online) Delicious

10 Step 2. Information Seeking Strategies 2.1 Determine all possible sources  Books, Encyclopedias, Databases, Internet, etc. 2.2 Select the best sources  the most relevant, accurate information  the quickest access

11 What we can offer you for this step: Book carts Library catalog (keepers: bibliography) Database navigation and teacher tools Internet searches, Webquests ILL: interlibrary loan Library website United Streaming (assignment builder) Web 2.0 tools

12 Step 3. Location and Access 3.1 Locate sources  Where can I find each source? 3.2 Find information within sources  How do I use the source the most efficiently?  Where is the relevant information within each source?

13 What we can offer you for this step: Library orientation Database flyers (off-campus) Speed reading techniques Advanced Search strategies

14 Step 4. Use of Information 4.1 Engage (e.g., read, hear, view, touch)  How will information be recorded? 4.2 Extract relevant information  Look at relevancy and validity.

15 What we can offer you for this step: Note-taking Citations Plagiarism Evaluating websites Navigating the network G-mail

16 Step 5. Synthesis 5.1 Organize from multiple sources 5.2 Present the information  Who/What is the audience?  What is the medium of presentation?

17 What we can offer you for this step: Blogs, Podcasts, Wiki’s, Picasa, Nings, Flickr … Digital cameras Video cameras Microphones Webcams PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, Excel

18 Step 6. Evaluation 6.1 Judge the product  Has the problem/question been solved/answered?  Does the final product match the task? 6.2 Judge the process  How can it be better the next time?

19 What we can offer you for this step: Self-evaluation forms One-on-one time with students and teachers IL assessments (citations, bibliographies, rubrics) Instant feedback

20 The Big 6 consistent school-wide vocabulary gets students organized (structure) easy step-by-step approach awareness for different options or sources of information applicable to all subject areas across grade levels best learned when integrated with classroom curriculum and activities

21 COLLABORATION Meet NGHS mission for 2008-09: To develop a culture of trust, collaboration, and shared leadership. Collaboration between teachers and librarians brings additional energy, expertise and creativity to planning instructional activities. Schools with quality school library programs and professional staffing show 8 to 21% better CSAP scores than schools without such programs.

22 Credits Created by Rita Stephenson The "Big6™ copyright © (1987) Michael B " is. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit:

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