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A video time inserter for the times

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1 A video time inserter for the times
IOTA-VTI A video time inserter for the times

2 Occultation timings in the 1600’s
Accurate clocks not available Times recorded by measuring the altitude of a known star at the time of an event Accuracy – several minutes

3 Occultation timings in the 1700’s & 1800’s
Accurate pendulum clocks and chronometers in observatories Clocks set by transit observations Visual recording of events Accuracy – around 1 second

4 Occultation timings in the early 1900’s
Accurate pendulum clocks and chronometers in observatories Radio transmission of time Visual recording of events Accuracy – around 0.1 second, but affected by Personal Equation.

5 Occultation timings in the mid 1900’s
Atomic clocks Radio transmission of time – eg WWV Visual, and some photoelectric, recording of events Accuracy – around 0.1 second, but affected by Personal Equation.

6 Occultation timings in the late 1990’s
Atomic clocks Radio transmission of time – eg WWV Video recording, but with audio time signal Accuracy – around 0.1 second, but no Personal Equation.

7 Occultation timings in the early 2000’s
Atomic clocks Time from GPS system Video recording KIWI system developed to insert the time into the video Accuracy – around 0.03 second, and no Personal Equation

8 Occultation timings from 2008
KIWI system withdrawn No readily-available commercial alternative Repairs of existing KIWI’s not always possible.

9 Occultation timings from 26 May 2011
IOTA-VTI system becomes available

10 IOTA-VTI Developed by Tony Barry of Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group (WSAAG), with the assistance of Dave Gault (also of WSAAG) Manufactured in the US by Walt Morgan (VideoTimers) with the assistance of Sandy Bumgarner.

11 IOTA-VTI To ensure continued availability at minimal cost:
Exclusive perpetual royalty-free licence to IOTA (US) IOTA (US) has granted a 5-year exclusive sub-licence to VideoTimers for the manufacture and sale

12 On behalf of Tony Barry, Dave Gault, Walt Morgan, and Sandy Bumgarner, we proudly ‘launch’ the IOTA-VTI : the next generation of video time inserter for occultation observations.


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