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Law 51/2003 of equal oportunities, non discrimination and Universal Accessibility Accessibility to environments, goods, mobility, services and communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Law 51/2003 of equal oportunities, non discrimination and Universal Accessibility Accessibility to environments, goods, mobility, services and communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Law 51/2003 of equal oportunities, non discrimination and Universal Accessibility Accessibility to environments, goods, mobility, services and communication (1) Protection of Rights(2) Legislación (3)

2 (1) Universal Accessibility ROYAL DECRETE 1544/2007, November the 23rd, by which basic conditions of accessibility and non discrimination to access and use of ways of transportation for people with disabilities, are regulated. ROYAL DECRETE 1494/2007, November the 12th, about basic conditions for access of people with disabilities to technologies, goods and services related to the information society and ways of social communication. ROYAL DECRETE 505/2007, April the 20th, by which basic conditions of accessibility and non discrimination for people with disabilities to access and use of public built spaces (urbanized and buildings), are aproved. ROYAL DECRETE 366/2007, March the 16th, by which conditions of accessibility and non discrimination of people with disabilities in their relations with the General Administration of the State are established. LAW 27/2007, October the 23rd, by which Spanish sign languages and regulation of support systems for oral communication for deaf people, people with hearing disabilities and deaf blind people, are regulated.

3 (2) Protection of Rights ROYAL DECRETE 1417/2006, of December the 1st, by which the system to solve complaints and claims concerning equal oportunities, non discrimination and accessibility because of disability, is established LAW 49/2007, of December the 26th, by which the system of infractions and sanctions concerning equality of oportunities, non discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disability, is established. LAW 16/2005 of free legal assistance, of July the 19th.

4 (3) Other developments of the LAW 51/2003 ROYAL DECRETE 1865/2004, of September the 6th, by which the National Council of Disability, is regulated. Technical Code of Buliding ROYAL DECRETE 1612/2007, of December the 7th, by which a proceeding for accessible vote which facilitates the right to exercise the vote to people with visual disabilities, is regulated. ORDER TAS/736/2005, of March the 17th, by which the structure and functioning of the Permanent Specialized Office of the National Council of Disability, is regulated. LAW 6/2006 of April the 24th, which modifies the Law 37/1992, of December the 28th, about the tax of the added value (VAT). LAW ORGANIC 2/2006, of May the 3rd, of Education. LAW ORGANICA 4/2007, of April the 12th, by which the Organic Law 6/2001, of December the 21nd, of Universities, is modified. LAW 30/2007, of October the 30th, of Contracts of the Public Sector

5 LAW 39/2006, of December the 14th, of Promotion of the Personal Autonomy and Atention to people in Dependence Situation. It regulates the basic conditions that guarantee the right to the promotion of personal autonmy and atention, to people in Dependence Situation. It establishes a coordinated and cooperative action of the General Administration of the State and the Autonomous Communities. It implants universal access of all people in dependence situation, in conditions of efective equality and non discrimination. The System is shaped as a net of public use which integrates, in a coordinated way, centres and services, from the public and the private environment. The System of protection establishes three levels, depending on the degree of dependence calculated by a scale. The Catalogue of services makes a difference among economical help (linked to the service, family support or personalized assistance) and Services of promotion of personal autonomy and the care (teleassistance, help at home, care at a residence, day and night centers)

6 EMPLOYMENT ROYAL DECRETE 2271/2004, of December the 3rd, by wich the access to public employment and the provision of work positions of people with disability, is regulated. (5% mandatory reserve), and LAW 7/2007, of April the 12th of the Basic Statute of Public Employment. Increasing of the reserve of public employment to 7% in the last three years (2% intelectual disability). ROYAL DECRETE 364/2005, of April the 8th, by which the alternative fulfilment with exceptional character of the share of reserve in favour of workers with disability, is regulated. ROYAL DECRETE 469/2006, of April the 21st, by which units of support to the profesional activity in the frame of personal and social adjustement services of Special Employment Centers, are regulated. Global Strategy of Action for employment of people with disability. Aplication ADAPTYAR

7 PROYECTOS DE ACCESIBILIDAD TECNOLÓGICA CESyA (Centro Español del Subtitulado y Audiodescripción)(Spanish Center for Subtitles and Audiodescription) Infoaccessibiliy Observatory (INTECO) Accessibility Auditories of Public Administration WEB’s Development of Accessibiliyty in TDT Law 7/2010, March 31st, General of Audiovisual Communication CENTAC (Centro Español de Accesibilidad a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación)(Spanish Center of Accessibility to Technoogies of Information and Communication)

8 NATIONAL CENTER OF ACCESSIBILITY TECHNOLOGIES (CENTAC) Private foundation with public (Ministry of Health and Social Policy and Minsitry of Industry) and private companies funding (El Corte Inglés, Vodafone, Telefónica), y usuarios (Fundación ONCE. GOALS: –To Introduce the private sector to the implementation of accessible goods and services in the technological field. –To Give impulse to developments of I+D+I by private companies. –To Bring into the market and the traditional distribution nets, accessible techlological products. –To Be the coordinator of initiaitves in developments of universal accessibility whcich nowadays are disperse. –To Build a net of experimental and demonstrative centers in all territory. –To Atract the private sector towards the implementation of accessible goods and technological services.

9 UN CONVENTION OF RIGHTS OF DISABLED PEOLE. Ratified by Spain on March the 30th, 2007. On May the 3rd of 2007, it enters our normative body.

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