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Older English Language Learners The Road Map Project ELL Work Group.

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1 Older English Language Learners The Road Map Project ELL Work Group

2 Our Demographics Are Rapidly Changing Road Map ELLs students represent over160 different languages but only In last decade, students who speak a language other than English at home almost doubled. By 2025 1 in 4 students will be ELLs yet only 14% receive instruction in their native language Nearly half of English language learners (ELL) never make it to high school graduation

3 English Language Learners By Grade Level

4 Road Map ELL Action Plan We believe that linguistically and culturally diverse students and their families bring value and asset to our classrooms and communities. To ensure all students reach their full potential, the needs of current and former English language learners (ELLs) must be intentionally prioritized within our educational structure, with accountability tied to ELL student performance within all institutions.

5 Support for Older ELLs Progress in Our Region World Language Credit Program/ Seal of Biliteracy

6 World Language Credit Video Honoring bilingualism as an asset and strength

7 Impact of World Language Credit Program In the 2012 & 2013 school years, a combined total of 2,364 students participated in 56 different languages The students qualified for a total of 7,271 credits 72% qualified for three or four out of a total of four possible credits Students reported gaining the chance to focus on what they needed to graduate or enroll in advanced- level courses to improve their college eligibility

8 What is the Seal of Biliteracy? Award in recognition of students who have attained verbal and written proficiency in a language other than language. May take the form of a gold seal or notion that appears on the transcript or diploma of the graduating senior Students who master multiple languages are able to thinking critically and are better prepared for college and to be active participants in the growing global economy.

9 Implementation of the Seal of Biliteracy Starting in September 2014, OSPI began working with stakeholders across the state to establish and get input on the criteria for obtaining the Seal The criteria will be finalized as WAC in spring 2015 in time for the 2014-2015 graduation year Support is needed around thorough implementation to ensure as many students receive and know about the opportunity as possible

10 Focus on Pathways for Older ELLs Sub-group of ELL Work Group meets to discuss needs for older ELL population Focused on collecting better data to determine who older ELL students are (newcomers, former, long-term ELLs) Considering a possible regional project to support older ELLs navigate high school and college process

11 SPOTLIGHT Highline Community College’s Pilot Program for ELLs Youth Re-engagement program specifically for ELL students (ages 16-21) They can earn High School Completion, Certification, and AA degree options Program was developed by looking at who are students are marginalized. Same as other youth re-engagement programs this one is just specifically focused on ELL students. 23 students enrolled in 2014 –8 L1 and L2 students –15 L3, L4 and L5 students

12 SPOTLIGHT continued Recruitment was wide-reaching throughout the region – students are in the program from all over South King County Majority of students are from Foster High School in Tukwila, as well as Kent, Federal Way and Highline 1418 (Open Doors) funding: During the January 2015 Puget Sound Coalition meeting, the Opportunity Youth Work Group will address Open Doors and Open Doors- funded programs throughout the region

13 How Can You Support? Promote the World Language Credit Program (use the video and translated video to post on website and distribute) Promote the Seal of Biliteracy as a prestigious recognition of student achievement Consider scaling existing programs for newcomer ELLs to the region and create more pathways for ELLs

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